Catelyn nods.  

Maester Luwin turns to Rodrick "The boy was always sure-footed before"

"Someone tried to kill them twice. Why? Why murder an innocent child? Unless he saw something he wasn't meant to see."  Catelyn tells them 

"Saw what. m'lady?"  Theon asks her 

Catelyn shakes her head "I don't know. But i would stake my life the Lannisters are involved. We already have reason to suspect their lovalty to the crown."

"Did you notice the knife the killer used.  It's too fine of a weapon for such a man. The blade is valyrian steel, the handle dragonbone. Someone gave it to him"  Rodrick tells them

Robb is stunned "They come into our home and try to murder my brother?" It's war they want" 

Theon turns to Robb in an instant "If it comes to that, you know i'll stand behind you"

Maester Luwin cuts them off "What? Is there going to be a battle in the Godswood? Too easily words of war becomes acts of war.  We don't know the truth yet"

Gabrielle turns to her cousin and uncle "Besides... We don't need another war"  The talk of war was a tough subject for her when she lost her father in battle.

Maester Luwin looks at her "Lord Stark must be told of this." 

Catelyn shakes her head "I don't trust an raven to carry these words."

"I'll ride to King's landing" Robb volunteers.  

Catelyn shakes her head "No. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.  I'll go myself."

Robb shakes his head "Mother, you can't"

Catelyn stands her ground. "I must. Don't worry i won't be alone. Arina, sister will you come with me"

Arina thinks for a second before nodding "It will be my honor sister" 

Rodrick nods "I'll send Hal with a squad of guardsmen to escort you" 

Catelyn looks at them "Too large of a party attracts unwanted attention. I don't want the Lannisters to know we're coming."

Rodrick looks at her "Let me accompany you atleast. The Kingsroad can be dangerous for two women alone"

Catelyn in unsure but Maester Luwin nods so she agrees.  

Robb looks at his mother "What about Bran?"

Catelyn looks at Robb "I have prayed to the seven for over a month.  Bran's life is in their hands now."

Gabrielle is in her mother's room helping her getting ready for the journey but she's scared. 

Arina sees that something is troubling her daughter so she walks up to her.  "What's the matter my dear?"

Gabrielle sighes "Promise me you will come back" 

Arina looks at her daughter concerned "Of course i will. Why would you ask me that?"

Gabrielle is starting to get teary "I lost my father because he left. I don't wanna lose you too"

Arina sighes and cups her daughter's face in her hands "My darling. You will not lose me. I will be back before you know it" 

Gabrielle feels the tears streaming down "You promise?"

Arina sighes and pulls her into a hug "I promise" 

Gabrielle is gonna keep her on that word.  


Sireya was getting ready for bed when Irri walks into her tent.  

"Hi Irri i was just gonna go to bed, did you need anything?"

Irri looks at her "Yes, this"  Irri kisses Sireya. 

Sireya is shocked and pulls her away "Woah."

Irri scratches the back of her neck "I'm sorry. You're just really pretty and i have wanted to do that every since i met you" 

Sireya looks at her shocked "I'm sorry i just like men" 

Irri nods "It's okay I understand" 

Sireya looks at her shocked "You're not gonna get mad because i didn't kiss you back?"

Irri looks at her confused "Why would i be mad?"

Sireya starts tearing up. That has never happened before.  Viserys always gets mad when she doesn't kiss him back.  

Sireya starts sits down on the bed and Irri sits down beside and can see that she's upset. 

Irri looks at her "Did i make you upset.  I'm sorry please don't tell him"

Sireya looks at her confused "Tell him?"

Irri nods "Lord Viserys.  I know you're lovers. He always looks at you like your his"  

Sireya sighes and feel the tears streaming down her face "Well i'm not"

Irri looks at her confused "What do you mean?"

Sireya takes a deep breath "I know he looks at me like that. Like i belong to him, I'm his property but i'm not his and i don't want him. But since i was 15 he's been using me sexually and forced me to lay with him against my will.  And why i was confused why you didn't get mad because i didn't kiss you back.  It's because in the beginning i didn't kiss him back and he got so mad at me and he would beat me for hours, it was like waking up the dragon so i just decided to kiss him back because he wouldn't get mad then."

Irri looks at her shocked "I'm so sorry" 

Sireya sniffles "It's fine.  I'm used to it" 

Irri puts her hand on Sireya's hand "Still it doesn't make it okay"

Sireya smiles "Can we still be friends?"

Irri smiles "Of course. But you're still very pretty" 

Sireya laughs and pulls her into a hug.  

It was nice to have a new friend.  

Arina and Catelyn is going to Winterfell!! Sireya and Irri are friends <333 I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

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