Johann Ending

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Johann Ending – Anton decides to side with Johann von Hochmär.

-Anton Drevov's POV- (Human Village, two hours before disaster strikes...)





After I had exclaimed out loud who I picked, I immediately could tell from their reactions who felt what.

Mennini was surprised at first, the surprise slowly turning into uncertainty.

Mr. A was taken aback and I could tell he was nervous at first, before shaking his head and starring daggers into me.

Johann... is just standing there. Menacingly... If I may add. ...slowly smiling at me... if I dare add on...

Why did I go with Johann? ...Wait, why DID I go with Johann? I was more confused than anything from his plan and he is one creepy son of a bitch, I won't hold it in any longer. It is just what I see him as. But... maybe that's the key. The confusion! Since, if we don't know what the fuck we are doing, how are our enemies supposed to know what the fuck we are doing? Going defensive or offensive or surrendering or anything like that is something the enemy might have expected and prepared for it. But if Johann has been doing something in his absence, then maybe he truly does have a surprise for both the enemy and us to use! ...So, as afraid as I am from this choice... It seems to have been the best one and I want to believe that I can endure the eerie aura Johann is carrying around him.

Only we or they can get out of this alive, I can say that for certain.

Johann seems happy I choose him and I certainly do hope he can deliver. If not, well, I guess I can go start shovelling my future grave. Let's hope this wasn't a mistake on my part... again...

„I... I mean, Johann did say to try and get a deal of sorts going right...? I... I think I might go and... try to tell anyone who might come here to... do that? Make a deal...? Yeah, don't mind me... leaving..."

Mennini was confused and unsure, and likely just wanted to get away as far as possible from us. I... I don't really blame him, to be perfectly honest.

„I am at a loss of words. My Vozhd, there is something you should... Hmm... doesn't matter. I better go check if the Child of Miare is still in her room."

Just like Mennini, even Mr. A hurriedly tried to leave not only this room, but the whole building. ...I did notice Mr. A trying to tell me something, but once he glanced over to Johann, he seems to have changed his mind.


...Should I be concerned?

„I am surprised, dear Vozhd, truly I am."

Turning around to face Johann, I immediately took a step backwards away from him after I witnessed that smile of his, plastered on his face.

„Choosing me despite how unsure all of you were about my suggestion? It only proves you have taste for the unknown, do you not?"

Johann chuckled slightly, making me raise my guard even more than it already was.

„Let me ask you something, oh, dear Vozhd... Do you know anything about... Black magic? Or perhaps the other name, Dark magic? Both are one and the same, if you wonder."

...What the hell is he on about? Black magic? What the hell was he doing in the short time he wasn't with us yesterday!?

„...What are you talking about? You mean, the forbidden kind of magic in children stories?"

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