✎Chapter 2

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Hotel OJ Pov

OJ was mumbling about what happened yesterday.

[ yes this is the next day. ]

He was sitting on the sofa with his arm crossed.

Pickle, Knife and Bomb looking at OJ pitiful

After A break up sheesh that's gonna leave A mark that will never heal.

And Paper won't leave his room...

Only Paintbrush was available to go in..

OJ sighs in frustration.

As Knife walks up to him

"Okay dude, You look blunt are you still thinking about last night?" Knife said sitting beside OJ as Pickle and Bomb follow

"Yes I'm still thinking about it, How could I not..?" OJ said weakly looking broken and about to sob.

Pity in the three's eyes as they try to comfort OJ.. Trying to make him at least feel slightly better.

"Thanks guys.." OJ said smiling softly

"No need to thank us OJ, Plus after that night you really need someone to talk to any way" Pickle said as we all chuck

"Heh, I'll catch up to you guys later" OJ said sitting up

"Ok OJ, take things lightly" Knife said

As OJ took off

OJ Pov

I took off and went to my room

Oh Paper what have this guilt trap you have put me in.

I sigh as went to my drawer.

I pull out a knife from to bottom drawer and admire it...

"Paper..." I said in a series but low tone

"If I can't have you..."

"No one can."

I put the knife back in my bottom drawer and left my room

Passed Papers room.

I look at the room the more I look at it the Angrier I got..

I quickly moved away and went to do my Hotel duties

And having to deal with Salt.

Ugh Salt was so happy Me and Paper broke up.

She made my blood boil harder.

I didn't like Salt I mean I never did.

Her "bestie" Pepper was chill but Salt?

She's so annoying and clingy to me.

I didn't care what others could think about her.

All I wanted was her to not even interact with me.

But of course it could not happen.

Paintbrush Pov

I was again comforting Paper..

He still couldn't move on from the break up.

It only happened yesterday.

How could you even move on from that so fast?

So of course I was the only one comforting Paper

Salt rubbed it on Papers face that he lost OJ.

I was mad that she had to do that At least Pepper took her away and told Paper it's gonna be ok and left

Others didn't want to bother this situation.

Lightbulb wanted to comfort Both of them but she's having a hard time on who to support.

I mean she could support both?

Too bad for Lightbulb

Hotel OJ Pov

Others playing games, talking etc..

Paper locked himself in his room.

OJ had to come out of his room because he had hotel duties.

Everyone was trying to act like that last night the fight never happened acting like there are no problems.

OJ haven't moved on too About that fight of course he didn't.

[ This is now Night time ]

Paintbrush Pov

It's night now..

I have already comfort Paper..

I stayed in my room who I shared with Fan

I would tell Fan about this But he was also mostly thinking about his blog I find it quite offending that He couldn't care about Paper or OJ, But he still had respect towards both.

But I don't see it to much.

I would talk about it to him mostly because I cared about my friends.

He would mostly nod I would think he wasn't listening but he was.

OJ Pov

Finally night time..

I went to my room and took out the knife which was on the bottom of my drawer.

I waited for everyone to sleep.

I look at my clock 2:00 am


I got out of my room

Looking around just to make sure no one was still awake at this time.

I swiftly went too Papers room.

I unlock the door because I had the keys to all doors so I had the key to this.

I saw Paper sleeping peacefully...

I'm sorry..

But it had to be done...



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