♡pt 1 - Something feels werid...♡

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Chef peepee called junior to get ready to go to school junior yelled "Ok chef peepee" junior didn't felt like going to school for some reason but he had to, he got ready and went downstairs and eat his breakfast fast as he could so he doesn't be late for school chef peepee told junior to got to the car (I'm too lazy to do this so if that's ok) chef peepee drive him to school and junior seen cody and all of a sudden junior blushed a lil but he didn't know why

Jr: wait. what am I fucking doing ugh whatever

Junior sat down and junior had a werid fuzzy feeling in his stomach but he ignored it but he was still wondering why he felt like this cause everytime he looks at cody or kind of think of him he gets a weird feeling he tried his best to ignore it alot.

Jackie chu: Alright class today we're gonna be doing a project is what you like doing it can be anything cause I don't care class anyway I'll pass your project you guys will have 30 minutes working on the project ok I'll pass your projects now.

Cody: Jr are you ok you seem a lil werid?


Cody: are you sure Jr?


Cody: alright-

Joseph whispers to cody

Joseph: uh dude do you know that...Jr is acting a lil werid

Cody: yeah... he's been like this for like a few days now.

Joseph: yeah. Should we ask him why after school?

Cody: yeah sure.

After school Joseph completely forgot to ask him but cody remember but he wanted to spent time with junior and talk to him and so junior started walking back to he's place but junior heard someone calling his name he turned around and saw cody running to him "JUNIOR.. *trying to get his breathe*" Jr then blushed a lil... then he said "what cody?"

Cody: do you wanna talk or hang cause you been acting weird lately...

Jr: uhhh sure something been bothering so much lately and I don't know what it is but maybe spending time with you will help ig...

Cody: oh ok wanna hang at my house so we can talk?

Jr:ugh sure I'll text chef pp first.

Chef peepee :D

Hey chef peepee:DD : junior

Chef peepee: what you want little brat.

Can I hang at codys house?:junior

Chef peepee: yeah whatever just come
back when your done ok.

Ok thanks chef peepee!:Junior

Chef peepee: ok whatever you brat.

He puts his phone away and then told cody he's allowed cody said "ok sweet!" they go walk to codys house.

I'm working on part 2

k I wanna make my self clear sorry if this chapter didn't make sense but I'll try my very best to get the story to make sense and sorry if the start was werid btw I'm still working one pt 2 so pls give me some time to make ok? So yeah have a good day

♡he's just a friend...right?.♡ 💐Jody sml💐Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt