14 | Deja Vu

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𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙮'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Walking into school the day after something very private to me got leaked to if not all, most of the students, I expected back-lash.

And indeed I did get what expected.

I heard whispers, all day.


Whispers about me.

About Robin.

Not all of the whispers were necessarily bad, just shocked. I mean hey, I didn't expect Robin Arellano to be gay either, yet here we are. I wonder how Donna feels about this all.

Is Donna, ashamed? Ashamed to have ever dated the schools 'gay boy'?

"May I go to the bathroom?"
I asked, with a raised hand. I had currently been in my 4th period; History (the most boring class).

"Yes go right ahead"
My teacher responded with a smile and nod. I slid out of my chair quietly to not disrupt the class and walked out the door.

The halls were empty and quiet, besides the sounds of my shoes squeaking against the tile and the noise of faint talking all around me behind closed doors.

As I approached the men's bathroom, I bumped into Donna.

"Oh, hey Donna."
I said, embarrassed.

"Hey Finney!"
Donna replied with a smile. As if nothing happened.

As if I were normal.

Me and her talked for a moment, just small talk. Small talk seemed like the only thing we did now.

We were so, so close, but now so, so distant.

I think it's because we were dating and now we aren't.

"Okay it's been good seeing you, but I have to go."
I said happily, walking to the men's bathroom.

"Oh, bye Finn!"
Donna echoed through the hall.

As I walked into the men's bathroom, I noticed someone elses presence. I didn't think much of it as I was looking at the floors tile and could only see their shoes, but as soon as I heard their voice rumble, I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey Finney."


I looked up at him, eyes wide as he approached me.

"So I heard you're gay?"
He hissed, getting closer to my face.

I weakly spat out.

"I almost predicted that, honestly."
He chuckled, putting a hand on my face, which shoved shivers down my spine.

Next thing I knew, Moose had took his fist and pounded it into my face, earning a painful scream from me.

Everything went black, I felt deja vu.

Deja vu from the night I was disowned.

Other similar nights.

Nights where Dad would beat me with his incredibly old leather belt and Gwen would watch with tears streaming down her face, before she was next.

He kept doing it, pounding his fist into different parts of my body, but mainly focussing on my face. I could also kind of hear Moose shouting mean sayings to me. Although barely any of it was audible. It felt like I was under water. I couldn't breathe.

But my pain ended shortly, when another voice entered the pool of screaming and sounds of skin clashing against each other.

A raspy, masculine voice screamed.

It sounded like..


"Oh my god holy shit!!"
Another voice screamed, feminine and sweet this time.


Everything went quiet after this.

Quiet, and dark.

I passed out.

When I woke up things were blurry for a minute, and voices sounded the same as before. A pool of voices. All of the noises colliding into one another making one big sound wave.

I mumbled sitting up, purely confused about where I was, why I was there, and who was with me.

"He's awake!!"
Someone squeeled, running up to me and grabbing onto my hand with a squeeze.

My vision became clear again and the person who was so excited about seeing me awake was no one other than my little sister, Gwen.

I said, confused.

"Yes Finney. That's me."
She said sweetly, with a smile.

"Where am I..?"
I asked, looking around.

"You're in the nurses office"
Someone else answered for Gwen, the voice was familiar. It was Robin's.

Robin sat by me on the (uncomfortable) bed, moving the hair out of my face with a sad smile.

"Hey baby."
Robin whispered.

"Hi, Rob."
I replied, looking back at him.

I scanned the room and noticed other people in the room too. A sleeping Donna and a.. Buzz? He looked anxious. Why would he be helping me? He's one of Matty's Goon's.

I muttered, staring at his presence. Buzz jolted up at his name, he looked like he was deep in thought.

He replied, slightly smiling.

"Why are you here?"
I asked, looking at him in suspicion.

"I have a lot to explain."
Buzz said with a sigh, everyone seemed overly calm knowing he was in the room.

What did they know that I didn't?

"So, the easiest way to say this is I'm not homophobic. I'm not like Matty, infact I'm gay myself and I'm dating Matt. The only reason I've treated you this way for all these years is because I feel guilty."

I pondered, confused.

"Guilty about Matty. Matty has done everything to protect me since we were little kids, and I feel like, well, me and Matt feel like we have to repay him. Repay him by being his friend."
He said, looking down and fidgeting with his nails.

"So basically what I'm saying is I'm sorry for the way I treated you all these years. I love you-"
Buzz was interrupted by Robin's protective glare.

".. platonically. Platonically love you."
Buzz added because of Robin's stare, which had went away because of what Buzz added.

I mumbled, looking down.

"I forgive you."
I spat out, in true honesty. I've always loved being Buzz's friend.



𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚 𝘾𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 // RINNEY (Robin x Finney)Where stories live. Discover now