2 | Let's Stay Friends.

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3𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Finney's alarm went off at 6:00AM, making Finney grumble and feel around for the 'STOP' button on his alarm clock. Today was Monday. Great.

He sat up and rubbed the morning crust out of his eyes before getting up to change.

He slipped on grey jeans, a brown flannel, and white T-Shirt. Nothing too flashy, but nothing too boring and uncomfortable.

He went to brush his hair and teeth. He spat his pastey spit into the sink, turning the sink on to drown the saliva into the drain.

Finney then put mascara on and walked into his living room to grab his shoes.

He only wore his mascara on days he knew his dad wouldn't be home to judge him. Great, speaking of the devil.

"Off to school, Finney?"
His father asked.

"Yes dad."
Finney replied, tying his white vans and putting on his backpack. His father started squinting at Finney's face. Thats when Finney realized.

Shit. He noticed.

"You look like a fag with all that makeup."
His father commenting. Finney wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't.

"It's just mascara, dad."
Finney replied with obvious fear in his brown eyes.

"Do I look like I care?"
His dad raised his voice. Finney stayed quiet, backing up a bit.

"Whatever, get to school. Your sister already left, and she shouldn't be walking alone with all these kidnappings."
Finney's dad said, walking away grumbling with a bottle in his hand. Finney being reminded of these abductions made him sick to his stomach because of the thought that it could be him or someone he loves to be abducted next.

"Okay dad.."
Finney mumbled, opening the door and leaving.

Finney waited for Bruce to pull up in his car, he arrived in 2 minutes. Finney got in the car immediately.

Finney said quickly, making Bruce confused.

"Did something happen-"
Bruce asked, being interrupted.

"Just drive."
Finney said again, Bruce agreed and started up his car, driving to the school.

Bruce was never aware of Finney's hard home life. Whenever Finney would come into Bruce's car with a bruise or some form of injury, Finney would excuse it as an injury from baseball practice. Bruce obviously believed this because sport injuries were common - and Finney took this sport very seriously, he practiced every second he could.

After 5 minutes they arrived to the school, Bruce parked and they both got out, saying their goodbyes and parting ways.

Finney walked to his first period, Science. He sat with Donna in science, meaning it was time for Finney to talk to Donna about his struggles.

"Hey Donna!"
Finney said, smiling and sitting down.

"Hey Babe!"
Donna said playing with Finney's hair sweetly.

"Hey, can we talk at lunch..?"
Finney asked, which made Donna stop playing with his hair and look at him with concern.

"Yea of course, are you okay?"
Donna asked.

God. Finney hated that question.

"Yea I'm fine I just need to talk about something, something personal."
Finney said with a fainy smile.

"Oh okay!"
Donna cheered.

Science ended and Finney parted ways with Donna. He packed up his supplies and started walking to his next class, math, with Robin.

"Hey regular"
Finney said, sliding into his seat next to Robin. Robin turned his head from the window and smiled at Finney.

"Hey Barista Boy."
Robin said, laughing, making Finney laugh too.

"Wanna hang out after school? Y'know Finney, I've really been meaning to get to know you."
Robin said with a slight toothy smile. Something about "I've really been meaning to get to know you" made something in Finney sparkle. This felt weird.

Finney replied gladly.

"Great, meet me outside after school."
Robin said, before turning to the teacher who has started the lesson.

Finney nodded, pulling his phone out and typing under the desk.

Finney 9:05AM:
Hey Bruce, I'm going to hang out with a friend after school, no need to pick me up today.

Bruce 9:06AM:
Kay 👍⚾❤

Finney turned his phone off, sliding it back into his pocket and paying attention to the lesson on the board.

Lunch started and Finney felt a pit in his stomach. It was time for him to talk to Donna, he was thinking all night and during his last 2 periods and he came to the realization that he wanted to break up with Donna, he realized hes gay.

Finney saw Donna where they'd always sit; in the courtyard under a tree. Finney felt so nervous even seeing her.
Donna waved to him and he waved back, walking up to her.

"Hey Finney!"
Donna said, patting a spot next to her.

"Hey Donna.."
Finney said, sitting down next to the black haired girl.

"So what did you want to talk about?"
Donna asked.

Finney froze up. He felt the pit in his stomach getting heavier and heavier.

Donna said, concerned. Finney looked ill.

"Sorry.. this is just hard to say."
Finney said, pretty much trembling.

"Oh, that's okay! Take your time."
Donna said, even more worried.

"I want to break up."
Finney spat out finally. Donna's smile dropped, her eyes looked watery and she looked so heart broken. Finney felt awful.

Donna asked sadly.

"Because I think I'm gay."
Finney said, with a tear falling down his face.

"I'm sorry.. I still really want to be your friend.."
Finney added.

"No it's okay, I support you."
Donna said, wiping a tear and smiling at Finney.

Finney asked, taking his hand out for Donna to shake.

Donna said with a smile, shaking his hand. She felt like this was coming, Finney has been acting weird. She was just happy to see Finney has finally figured himself out.

Finney did it. Finney broke up with Donna.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚 𝘾𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 // RINNEY (Robin x Finney)Where stories live. Discover now