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"Hey Tom, we'll go eat breakfast. I'll bring you some later, alright?" Minho asked me politely

"Ugh, I'll just come with you guys... It's not like I can't walk or something.."

"You sure?" Theresa asked me- surprisingly out loud- and I nodded my head in reply.

Newt and Minho helped me get up and not much time later, we were on our way to the kitchen. The others were a few steps ahead and I could feel Newt walking awkwardly besides me. Suddenly, I felt something touching my hand and chills shot my whole body. I looked down to see that Newt was holding my hand. I smiled at him and took the initiative to intertwine our fingers together. I noticed him blushing furiously at my action. He was too cute.. Seriously. All I wanted at the moment was to just to grab his little face, push him to a wall and possibly shove-

"Newt! Thomas!" I heard a yell, snapping me out of my semi dirty thoughts about the other boy. I looked at said boy, to see that he was wearing the same expression as I was, a blush visible on his cheeks. Could he have maybe...been thinking something similar to what I was..-? Wait, no. Don't even go there, Thomas. There's no way. Shut the fuck up.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING!?!?" I heard another yell and looked at a furious Alby.


"I...w-.." I stuttered awkwardly, trying to come up with an answer when I realized that my hand was still intertwined with Newt's. I blushed furiously and pulled it away immediately. Alby's eyes widened a bit and he raised his eyebrows.

"I'll need to have a word with you after breakfast.." He said at Newt who just nodded calmly. HOW THE SHUCK WAS HE SO CALM!?--- Wait, shuck? ..Seriously Thomas..? Glade slang...?

We walked towards the table the others were already sitting at, and I realized the only free chairs were placed right next to each other. I looked at Theresa to see her smirking deviously. That damn bitch. She did this, didn't she?

Wow, thanks for the remark, Thomas!

I rolled my eyes, irritated by the fact she could hear my thoughts.


I replied, trying to sound annoyed

And by the way, aren't you guys like, dating or something? If so, what's the problem with sitting next to each other?

The problem is that we aren't dating!

Yeah, right! Try fooling someone else with that.. You guys are clearly dating! You think I didn't notice how lovey dovey you're acting with each other lately!? And I saw you holding hands, so shut it.

"Thomas! I asked you if you were going to sit anytime soon because everyone is staring at you.." Minho said snapping me out of my conversation with Theresa. I looked around and saw that everyone was indeed looking at me... I could say for a fact that it wasn't just because I wasn't sitting, but because of what happened... I decided to ignore them and sat down on my chair next to Newt.

I started chewing my food when what Theresa told me started sinking in... Do we actually look like a couple to others...? ...well, we've never talked about this... So what does that make us?

Oh my god! He is so freaking hot!! Shuck! I don't think I will be able to contain my self!! I want him! Right now!

Wait, what the hell!? My head snapped up towards Theresa to see her sit at Minho's lap and making out with him. Disgust flew though my whole body and I had to look away so I wouldn't throw up at the moment. When the hell did it come to this!?!?!?

"Get a room! Ew" I was planning on saying that in my head so only Theresa would hear it but I just couldn't. I turned my head away from them, when I froze dead on my spot.

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck...





I could almost feel Newt becoming nervous next to me but well, so was I!

Gally tracked us down and started walking towards where our table was. I looked at Newt with concern written all over my face and he moved his right hand to his other one in an attempt to distract himslef by harming himself with the only possible way. My eyes widened and I took his hand in mine, squeezing it a bit so he would stop. Gally was almost in front of us when he stopped walking to talk to Alby. I guess he wasn't coming this way after all...

But we should definitely do something about him... I don't know what, but we just have to.

*2 hours later*

I saw Newt getting out of a small building where him and Alby were 'having a talk'. He started walking towards me.

"Tommy.." He breathed out and I realized that he was crying. Worry and concern flushed over me at once.

"Newt!? What's wrong?" I rushed towards him and looked him in the eye.

"T-they said we need to be punished, T-Tommy.." he stopped to take a shaky breath before he continued talking "...O-one of us....  ......Has to die" He whispered the last sentence in a shaky voice,

And my heart stopped.


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