That Place in The Forest- Prologue/Pilot

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"If I were to tell you everything...and I...I really do mean everything...would it change anything? Would you suddenly understand? Even...Even if their were a chance in hell...that...that that could happen...why should I believe it would?! Everything...Nothing has gone my way...Nothing..."

~9 Years Earlier~

"Ahhhhhhh~ That's so coooool Kacchan!" - The Green Haired Little Kid, with stars in his eyes, stood there as his Blonde Friend demonstrated his quirk once again. To any 'normal' person, seeing Katsuki's quirk would lose its amusement after a couple showings, even less if it was used on you, but to Izuku, the Green Haired Boy with No Quirk, it was everything.

Most people avoided Izuku, as he was nothing more than a freak of nature, an accident, a product of failure, so any chance Izuku got to see a Quirk live inaction, in person even, he always got super excited with these stupid little stars in his eyes. He was just a kid, a kid who never had a fair chance, the boy who lost his wings before hatching.

Izuku raised his hands and formed fists level with his upper body. His eyes and mouth wide open. "What's the point of getting so excited? I just don't get it." Katsuki 'Kacchan' Bakugo responded. To him, a quirk was nothing special. Of course, his quirk being so freaking cool made him feel special, but besides that, he didn't understand Izuku's excitement.

"I know...I know! It's just that...uhhhh... well I can't explain it!" Izuku found it hard to put his excitement into words. "I just...I just wish I had a quirk...I wish I wasn't quirkless...I wish...I just wish I had a super cool quirk that made Mommy happy..." Izuku lowered his hands, the excitement he once felt was replaced with complex feelings the boy couldn't understand. 

Izuku and his Mother, Inko, were, at one point, extremely close, however when Izuku's father left when Izuku was only 2, things began to change. A newfound burden was placed on Izuku to develop a "Money-Making Quirk" and well...after Izuku was discovered to be quirkless, all love disappeared. The boy who looked like and reminded Inko of her Ex-Husband, was now just a waste of space Inko couldn't stand. 

"Hey...don't you dare think like that. Who cares what Auntie has to say?! It's your life, not hers, so just stop caring." Katsuki approached Izuku and rapped his arms around him, warming the Fragile Boys Heart. Ever since Katsuki had a suspension that something was wrong with Izuku he chose to stay by his side. Did it make kids laugh at him, sure, but he had the Power to tell them off. If their was one thing Katsuki couldn't stand, it was seeing Izuku hurt.

[If I were to tell you the world was a happy place, I'd be lying to you. If I were to say this was a happy story, with long lasting friendships and friends galloping in the fields, I'd still be lying. The truth is, this world...just like this story, isn't a happy one. And why should it? Why should it be happy? No one is promised a happy life, no one is promised anything really. We all just expect things to work out for us, and then we go blame God, or...Heroes...or...whoever, when things don't work out. I guess...what I'm trying to say is, I don't know why I ever expected my life to be happy. From the moment I was born, my life was sealed, destiny chosen. Wish I could say it wasn't all that bad, or...that it could've been worse but...then I'd be lying again...and I don't wanna lie anymore...I'm tired of lying.]

-Present Time-

Dark clouds loomed over the UA Dorms. Most kids were asleep, ignoring the world outside there windows. But for one student, the story was different. Izuku stared up at his ceiling, silently counting the little bumps on the ceiling. Izuku already knew the answer, he'd done this so many times already, but it was a distraction. A distraction from reality, from his problems, from life. 

Izuku found himself lost in a constant state of not knowing. Not knowing if he has friends, not knowing is his mother loves him, not knowing if he loves himself. He questioned everything when he wasn't distracted. His over-active mind refusing to allow the boy any chance to relax. Maybe in some other world, that over-working mind could've helped him study Heroes, or helped him think of new ways to take down his classmates during their practice matches, but in this world, it was nothing more than a razor cutting into Izuku's, already numb, skin.


Howdy! Lemon, Here! I just wanted to take this time to say hello and get to know everyone! I'm new to writing on Wattpad and only have experience writing Texting Stories over on my YouTube channel 'Lemon Stories.' So I'm sorry if my writing comes across as weird or unnatural! Additionally just as the title suggests this is ONLY a Prologue/Mini-Introduction to the world/series! An actual Episode will be much longer and contain more plot-heavy things like Dialogue, Character Interaction, A Moving Story, and so much more! This was mainly to get myself accustomed to Wattpad writing and to introduce myself and my writing style! If you have ANY Comments, Suggestions, or Recommendations please feel free to comment down below and voice your opinion! Also, I'm gonna keep doing these 'End of Story' sections as it gives me a chance to say things I didn't get to say in the story, hope you understand! 

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