4. violet

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*****Miranda's pov*****

I got home from school . When I entered violet immediately ran to me and started to try and lick my face . She's pretty big because she's a pit bull which they get pretty big as they grow older . I didn't have any plans or anything so I was just gonna lay in bed and just be on instagram . I settle my stuff down and I don't have any homework today so I don't have to worry about that . I suddenly get a call from an unknown number . I pick up . "Hello" I say in a low tone. "Hi Miranda" a familiar voice says . I stop and I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack right then and there . It was Ellie . For context Ellie and me were best friends in the foster care but then all of a sudden I woke up one morning and she was gone and nobody knew where she had gone. I cried for days after that , she was my only friend and she had left me . "Ellie why- or how I- " suddenly a panic attack hits me and violet comes running to comfort me . " Hey sh sh sh I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you worked up I'm sorry. But Miranda breath breath I'm here breath Mia calm down ". I hang up and I immediately burst out into tears . So many thoughts come rushing to my head . I start to panic even more . Then everything goes black and all I hear is violet faintly barking.

I open my eyes to see a bright light and hear machines making noise around me . I'm in a hospital . I look up to see ms.hernandez sitting in a chair with violet being on the ground . "What happened ?" I ask . "You had a panic attack mia , and I wanted to check up on you because I didn't see you today but when I got there I heard violet barking and because you have your spear key under your mat then I opened the door and when I saw you , you were barley breathing so I called an ambulance and here you are " . "oh" i said . "Your brothers know you here , the might come and visit you they said if they have time "she said looking down at violet. " I don't wanna see them. Now that I'm at a hospital they wanna see me and make sure I'm ok but when I'm home and I'm alone they don't care ? I honestly don't wanna see them . I don't have the energy for it " I said . I love my brothers I really do but they act like I don't exist but when I'm not okay they wanna act like they care . I don't like that . I wanna go home , I wanna in my bed , I hate hospitals . Fuck man I hate this shit .

hiii ! Ik ik this chapter is dark but I promise it'll be way more better in the next chapter , maybe 😭 but here's this !! hope u like it .
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