(Rose, Loki, Pippa, and Piro check out a Shane Ward Greatest Hits poster on one of the containers.)

ROSE: So, near future, yeah?

Y/N: I had a passing fancy. Only it didn't pass, it stopped.

[Dame Kelly Holmes Close]

DOCTOR: Thirtieth Olympiad.

LOKI: No way! Why didn't I think of this? That's great.

MADDIE: Only seems like yesterday a few naked Greek blokes were tossing a discus about, wrestling each other in the sand with crowds stood around baying. No, wait a minute, that was Club Med. Just in time for the opening doo dah, ceremony, tonight, I thought you'd like that. Last one they had in London was dynamite. Wembley, 1948. I loved it so much, I went back and watched it all over again. Fella carrying the torch. Lovely chap, what was his?

(Tom's dad is putting up Missing posters on the lampposts.)

Y/N: Mark? John? Mark? Legs like pipe cleaners, but strong as a whippet.

(John Mark, 1925-1991)

PIPPA: Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N.

DOCTOR: And in those days, everybody had a tea party to go to.

PIRO: Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N!

MADDIE: Did you ever have one of those little cakes with the crunchy ball bearings on top?

ROSE: You should really look at this.

Y/N: Do you know those things? Nobody else in this entire galaxy's ever even bothered to make edible ball bearings. Genius.

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N go to Rose, Loki, Pippa, and Piro, and reads the two posters. The boy's name is Dale Hicks.)

DOCTOR: What's taking them, do you think? Snatching children from a thoroughly ordinary street like this. Why's it so cold? Is someone reducing the temperature?

LOKI: It says they all went missing this week. Why would a person do something like this?

MADDIE: What makes you think it's a person?

(A woman puts out her rubbish and goes straight back inside. There is no one else about apart from the council roadmenders and their white van.)

PIPPA: Whatever it is, it's got the whole street scared to death. Doctor, Maddie, Y/N, what

(The Doctor, Maddie, and Y/N have run up the street to investigate the front lawn and its goal. They hold their hands out over the grass. A man in a Mini drives into the road, and the engine gives out. One of the road menders comes over to help.)

KEL: There you go. Fifth today. Not natural, is it?

DRIVER: I don't know what happened, I had it serviced less than a month ago.

KEL: Nah, don't even try and explain it, mate. All the cars are doing it. And do you know what? It's bonkers. Bonkers. Come on then, pal. I'll help you shift it. Quicker you're on the way, happier you'll be.

(The two men start pushing the car.)

KEL: There we go.

PIRO: Do you want a hand?

KEL: No, we're all right, love.

ROSE: You're not. I'm tougher than I look, honest.

(Rose, Loki, Pippa, and Piro join Kel pushing at the back, and the engine suddenly bursts into life. Kel falls over, the driver gets back in drives off.)

A Family from Gallifrey (Doctor + Daughter! Reader)(9th and 10th Doctors)Where stories live. Discover now