𝟬𝟴 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺𝖻𝖾

Start from the beginning

I also grab one piece of each food with my drink and join everyone on the couch. Someone turned the TV on and is replaying an episode of FRIENDS. I sit on the end of the couch with James on my left and the small pile of presents on my right. Next to James is Steve, who is opposite Natasha and she is sitting next to Wanda and Vision. It doesn't take us long to eat all the food, considering we were all starving and have 2 muscular men with the hunger of lions. Once we do finish, they all turn to me expectantly.

"Whose present are you going to open first?" Wanda asks.

I reach over to the pile and randomly pick up a present. I sit it on my lap and start to tear open the wrapping paper. Underneath the paper was an envelope with my name written on it in cursive. I instantly recognize the handwriting as Wanda's and look up at her with a huge smile.

"You didn't."

"Open it and see."

I open the envelope to see 2 tickets to a well-known art exhibit in central New York that is really expensive and very hard to get into. The exhibit has been running for years and even before moving to New York, I had expressed to Wanda that I would love to go to it.

"Oh my god, you guys really didn't have to do this."

"Yes, we did. You deserve to have some fun." Wanda reassures.

Nat leans forward to see the tickets.

"What are they?" She asks.

"Tickets to an art gallery I've wanted to go to for years." I reply.

She leans back in her seat and looks at Wanda and Vision.

"Oh, I thought it was for a strip club or something."

Wanda looks at Nat with her eyebrows scrunched.

"Why would it be a strip club?" She questions.

"You said fun, so..."

Steve laughs at Nat's comment like a little schoolgirl with a crush. Both me and James look at each other and smirk. We are both thinking the same thing. Steve likes Natasha.

"Anyway, me and Vis have given you the days off of work to go in 2 weeks' time." Wanda diverts the conversation.

"Thank you, both of you." I smile at Wanda and Vision.

I turn to put the tickets on my TV stand and then look back at the group. Once again, Nat leans forward and looks at me.

"Mine next." She points to the biggest present out of all of them.

I pick it up eagerly, tearing it open to see a huge, rectangular white box. I open the box, take the contents, and hold it in front of me. It is a mid-thigh-length light blue cocktail dress with thin spaghetti straps that is fitted tightly. A pair of white open-toe shoes with thin lace ankle straps are also contained inside the box. I threw a raised eyebrow over at Nat.

"That outfit you can wear when me, you and Wanda go clubbing next month." She says.

I look back at the dress and shoes with my eyebrows still raised, frozen on my face. I honestly can't see myself wearing it, but with Nat and Wanda dressed up with me, maybe I could.

"I don't know if this is my kind of dress. It would look good on you, not me."

"With that great ass, you will." She teases.

I put the dress and shoes back in the box, close the lid and place it next to the tickets on the TV stand.

"Thank you, Nat."

She leans back in her seat, proud of herself. I reach back to the pile of presents and pick up the second biggest one. No one says anything, so I open it to see another white box. I take off the lid and hold up another piece of clothing. It's a large red and white hoodie with writing in the middle. Inside the box also is a white mug that matches the hoodie. Both have 'I got this from my brother' written on them. I turn my head towards Steve who is already smiling at me.

𝗕𝗢𝗬 𝗔𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟 ❀ 𝘑. 𝘉. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now