Chapter 1: Saturday

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god Sam, just spit it out." She blurts out.

"Fal-" Liam begins chastising her for her lack of patience, but her outburst clearly works when Sam interrupts them.

"Can I ask you both a question?"

Liam nods, encouragingly. "Sure."

Sam's eyes are glued to the water directly below him, his head hanging low, unable to look them in the eyes. "At what point in your relationship did you guys... stop..."

"Stop?" She draws out the vowel in the word, urging him to continue with his question.

"You know, having as much sex?" Sam practically mumbles that last part, before sighing and finally looking up at the couple, only to be met with confused expressions from the two of them.

"What do you mean?" Liam asks.

"Well, you two have been together for a while now, surely you don't have as much sex as you did when you first got together and things have slowed down..." The couple throws each other another glance, this time, with smirks playing at their lips. "Or, you do?"

"I mean, I don't exactly have a chart but I don't think there's a huge difference," Liam responds, the amusement evident in his voice.

If Sam didn't look miserable before - he certainly does now, his large brown eyes appearing sadder by the second.

"Sam, exactly how much slower are we talking here?" Fallon asks, wondering if it's possible that Sam is just over-exaggerating the situation.

He looks awkward, a pink blush visibly painting itself onto his cheeks, and Fallon is sure it's not from the steam rising from the jacuzzi, "I mean we, haven't, you know, done it in 2 weeks."

Her jaw drops in shock, "What?!"

Sam instantly becomes defensive, his jaw tightening, recoiling slightly, his brows furrowed, "What? Why are you being so judgemental? You can't tell me that you guys haven't gone through at least one dry spell."

Fallon practically feels the vibrations of Liam chuckling next to her before he responds, "Sam, I'm sorry to tell you but we honestly haven't. In fact, I'm pretty sure Fallon couldn't even go a week without sex."

Her eyebrows raise instantly. Apparently, it is her turn to be offended. She turns to her fiancé, the shock written on her face, her voice pitched high, "Excuse me, I'm not a nymphomaniac, I can control myself."

She instantly wants to wipe that smug smile Liam throws her off of his face, "I never said you were, it's just that we have great sex and I'm pretty much always available to you, so why would you have to control yourself?"

She scoffs, incredulous. "You make this sound completely one-sided, need I remind you that yesterday all I did was innocently bend over in front of you and you threw me over the dresser and-"

"OH MY GOD." Sam practically shouts, halting Fallon from continuing, "Please do not carry on that sentence in front of me. I really do not need to hear the rest of that." He throws his hands up in the air, palms facing them as if in surrender. "Jesus, I'm sorry I asked."

"Alright, sorry," Liam says, clearly attempting to salvage the conversation, "In all seriousness, if I were you, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure every couple is different, and maybe there's a reason, you know? There could be something going on with him, you should talk to him rather than comparing your relationship to others. Especially ours."

There it is - that heart of gold her fiancé carries around with him beneath his ribcage making its presence known with his wise words of advice. It melts her, every time, reminding her of why she is so in love with this man in the first place.

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