Sleepovers (fluff)

466 11 15

Tw: none

Modern AU

Chongyun POV:

Xingqiu sat across from me, a chess board in between us, we were both wearing hoodies and blankets to stay warm, it was a cold winter night and my heating was broken. Xingqiu was staying the night at mine so we had decided to play chess to keep entertained,

"And checkmate." Xingqiu smiled proudly,

I looked up, taking a deep breath,

"Oh come on, we've been playing for ages and you've won every time! When do you get bored?!" I huffed,

"When you find something better to do."

"That's no fair, there's loads of better stuff to do! Like-"

"Just for clarification, ghost hunting doesn't count as something better."

"Damn it. Well why don't we watch a movie or something?"

Xingqiu smiled, a sense of scheming in his eyes,

I brushed it off and opened my computer,

"So?" I asked,

"Yeah, let's watch something." He replied, crawling over to me,

"Alright, what do you wanna watch?"

"Hm, how about this?" He pointed at ghost busters and I agreed happily,

I pressed play on the movie and he cuddled up to me, laying his head on my lap,

The movie went on for a little while and about half way through I looked down to see Xingqiu fast asleep,

I paused the movie and lifted him up, placing him on the bed and moving the computer to my desk,

I went and lay down next to him, watching as he lay still, I pulled him into my chest and kissed his head before hearing a little chuckle, he looked up and my expression changed to a slightly pissed off one,

"Are you serious?" I whispered,

"Whatever do you mean yun yun?" He teased,

"You never actually fell asleep did you." I accused, he chuckled again,

"No.. I just love seeing how gently my yun is with me when I'm asleep~" he smiled,

I sighed before smiling myself,

"If I didn't love you as much as I do I would be so pissed off with you right now."

"I'm sorry yun, we can keep watching the movie if you want?" He whispered, suddenly sounding like he felt bad,

"Don't worry, I'd rather cuddle you." I responded, running my fingers through his hair,

He started blushing before burying his face in my head,

"You're so cute yun yun.."

He seemed to be falling asleep so I shut my eyes and tried to sleep myself, although he was annoying sometimes, Xingqiu truly was a caring person, and of course the best boyfriend I could ask for.

Sorry this was so short, future updates will be longer, pls request in the comments if you can :)

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