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Blake woke up with the previous night still spooking around in her mind.
It was intense to say the least. She had more then a few drinks, hence why she couldn't remember much but the times she had an interaction with Hangman,
Blake remembered it vividly.
There was something about him, something that interested Blake, she would never admit it out loud of course, but there was something about him. She didn't understand it either because he was...you know, cocky, arrogant, self-centered... but she couldn't help but feel some sort of pull towards him. However, Blake decided to set that part of her mind aside and focus on the more important case for the next few weeks.
The mission.

Walking into the hangar on the Top Gun base was something she'd never thought she'd do. Yet here she was.
She took seat behind Phoenix and mentally prepared herself for what was about to come.
In front of her appeared a man. He was tall, had dark hair and had a welcoming aura surrounding him. Something you'd see not very often around here. He gave an introduction, learning that he was Rear Admiral Bates, or Warlock as they could call him. He had a title Blake wished she'd get someday.
Ending his speech, Warlock introduced them to their instructor for the mission who stood behind all the aviators. Everyone turned around, curious to see who's walking up to them, faces twisting in different emotions they felt when they saw the one and only
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.

What Blake amused the most was the face Hangman was portraying when he saw his instructor walk past him.
Both her and his mind suddenly remembering that last night at some point a couple aviators, including Hangman, threw their future instructor out the bar.
Completely unaware of anything.
Of course Hangman had to be... you know, arrogant Hangman and make a comment or two towards Maverick. Calling him pops, old man, etc.
Blake had thought that there was going to be a time that Hangman's big mouth would get him in a situation where karma was a bitch.
And there it was.
Right in front of her.
The so called "situation".
Karma came straight for him.
And she loved to see his arrogant smirk falter, even if it was for just a second. But she loved to see it.

Maverick left a good impression on Blake. The way he spoke oozed experience and wisdom. Blake never saw him fly but she heard stories. Stories she'd only hope she'd achieve one day.

It was quickly decided that the first lesson was going to be dogfighting.
Something Blake didn't mind.
Going up in the air with teams, the goal was to get behind Maverick and make sure he was locked in.
Guns only of course.
Sounds easy right?
Well, it wasn't.
It really wasn't.
Flying against someone with so much experience was not going to be an easy task.
And Blake knew that. She saw it by the pilots getting back after each session with Maverick and by their faces. Ready to do their pushups, as agreed to.

When she got in her cockpit, ready to ascend with Payback and Fanboy as her wingman she let out a nervous breath. Insecurities creeping up her spine, into her brain, yet again with disturbing thoughts she didn't need at the moment.
This was the time to prove herself. She could not have people, pilots, the ones she was going have to trust to put her life in their hands-doubt her.
She shook her head.
This was not how it's going to go.
She was going to get her ass in the air without a thought of doubt in her head.
If you think up there, you're dead.
So no time to think then.
No time for insecurities.

Blake was up in the air in a matter of minutes.
Looking for any signs of Maverick.
But she saw none.
"Fanboy, you see anything?"
"Nothing, radar's clear." He stated.
"Where is this guy?" Blake muttered.
Dread creeping into her as she felt like something she didn't expect was going to happen any minute now.
And it did.
Whizzing past the two aviator jets flying next to each other Maverick flew right in between them, up towards the sky.
"Right here, Tornado. Let's do this."
In no time Blake pulled her throttle upwards going into a chase, out to get Maverick. With her wingmen following.
Did they speak of a strategy to get Maverick?
No, no they didn't.
So it wasn't a surprise when Blake heard over the comms that Payback and Fanboy were returning to base. Already defeated by Maverick.

The guy was good, she had to admit, but she was not going to give up.
She followed.
Banking left.
Banking right.
So close.
So very close.
She scolded herself for not communicating better with her wingmen.
But went back to focusing on Mav as he took a sharp turn to the right, Blake hot on his tail.
The adrenaline-
She could feel it.
Racing through her veins.
As Maverick went into a steep dive Blake followed.
She gritted her teeth.
This was her chance.
Just a little bit and she had him.
Blake let out a groan as she felt the G-forces pressing on her chest. Suffocating her.
She thought she had Maverick until he did the unthinkable.
Maverick suddenly used his brakes as Tornado flew right past him.
Not expecting a move like that.
Beep, beep, beep, beep,...
Was all she heard now.
Signalling that Maverick was behind her and had his lock on her.
She had lost.
Maverick outsmarted her. Of course.
"Goddammit!" She yelled out. Clearly frustrated with the situation.
"Good try Tornado, but it's over. Return to base for your push-ups."
"Crap." Was all Blake muttered when she realised 200 push-ups where waiting for her at the base.

Once landed she marched towards Hondo, only to see Pheonix, Rooster, Hangman accompagnied by her wingmen doing their push-ups.
"Look who's here. Sure you can handle 200 push-ups?" Hangman said, a groan leaving his lips as he did another push-up.
Blake really didn't feel like answering him. She was already frustrated enough as it was. But knowing him, he found pleasure in her silence. Ready to be teasing even more.

Blake couldn't help but look at him when he went down again. His gaze not on her for a few seconds. And she took advantage of those seconds. She noticed the way his biceps flexed as he pushed down. His gaze on the floor as his face scrunched up every now and then into a frown. The way sweat dripped off of him-

Stop it, Blake! Focus! She thought.
"Ahw, happy with my presence, Bagman?"
She teased back now. Getting on the floor and in push-up position.
Hangman suddenly turned his face.
Looking at her, next to him. Straight into her eyes.
A sincere look in his eyes.
"Always, sweetheart." He said.

In his mind he meant every word he just said.
In the past few days Hangman had learned to appreciate her presence a lot.
Blake wasn't one of those girls who gave in easily.
She had an answer ready for every snarky or teasing comment he gave.
And he loved it.
He loved the fact that she could handle him.
She was a tough one.
She was hard to get.
And her looks, god don't get him started on that.
She was just the perfect picture.
Her curves were immaculate, he'd noticed that from the moment he saw her at the bar. It was the first thing he looked at actually.
After all, he's still a man. And has the habits of a man.
And her beauty was unmatched.
Her eyes luring him in, slipping past his walls he build up. Making a way towards his heart.
Her lips.
God, her lips.
So kissable.
Her face-
He needed to stop. A side of him mentally laughed at himself for even thinking of her like that. That side being his arrogant side. The side that never was going to admit all these thoughts. He was too proud to do that. And he knew that.

Hangman snapped out of his gaze as he realised he was still staring at Tornado who was looking at the ground now. Focused on getting through her push-ups.
He lightly shook his head and turned his head to the ground once more.
His stone cold, arrogant facade he'd dropped a few seconds ago back on like it never left.

𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜u𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛               𝐽𝑎𝑘𝑒 "𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑛" 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠in  Where stories live. Discover now