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Hi everyone! I hope you managed to find this story, and if you're new, check out my other account WildWolf195  for the rest of this story! I now that Aric x Japeth is both a popular and canon ship, so I hope you enjoy this! Also, the previous cover came from artist @paleosart on Instagram! Thanks - WildWolf.

I snap my fingers and Sophie, Agatha, Hort, Tedros and the Coven appear.
Hort: Ugh, not here again, are we going to have to watch whilst Sophie goes shopping with her dead boyfriend again?!
Agatha: I would rather cut off my own foot than do that again.
Sophie: Oh Aggie, don't be so dramatic.
She shoots a hopeful look at me
Sophie: But, just for curiosity's sake, is that what's going to happen?
Me: Sadly not, today, we're going to ship two new characters!
Agatha looks aghast
Agatha: Me and Tedros?
Tedros looks offended
Tedros: Would that really be such a bad thing?
Agatha: We would have to go on a date.
Tedros: Yes? So? That is what normal couples do
Agatha: Are you saying I'm not normal?
She pulls Tedros to the side, where they have a frantic conversation that consists of lots of hand gestures.
Me: looks like they're having fun, but no, it isn't Agatha and Tedros who are going to take the spotlight today, it's....
A drumroll sounds and everyone but me looks around confused.
A single piece of paper drifts down to me, revealing two names in silver calligraphy.
Me: Japeth and Aric!!!
Everyone looks at me in horror
Hester: Will you repeat that for me? I'm sure I misunderstood. It sounded like you said Japeth and Aric.
Me (cheerfully): Nope, you heard correctly, that's exactly what I said!
Agatha and Tedros turn around from their argument.
Tedros: you can't do that, they're psychopaths!
Me: Oh, but I'm afraid I can.
I snap my fingers and two graves appear, side by side.
Japeth and Aric climb out, looking confused.
Everyone stares at them.
They stare at everyone else.
Everyone stares at them.
I clap my hands together awkwardly.
Me: Alright guys! I'm sure you don't need me to introduce yourselves.
Slowly Japeth and Aric turn to look at each other.
Japeth: Aric?
Aric: Japeth?
Japeth lunges towards Aric and crushes him in a hug, and Aric only pauses for a second before returning it.
Japeth: Aric, I thought you were dead!
Aric: I thought I was dead too!
They both look confused
Me: you are both dead! I brought you back to life so a bunch of people can say how good you would be together!
Anadil: that just sounds cruel.
I wave my hand at her.
Japeth: Who are you?
Sophie: she's a magical crazy lady who teleports people here to spend time with their true loves! Last time it was me and your father, Rafal!
There's a pause.
Sophie: I just realised how weird that sounds....
Hort: Also, you said that Rafal was your true love!
Sophie: and....
Sophie: Ohh, no,Hort you are my true love
She smiles toothily and pulls Hort into an embrace that he reluctantly returns, looking unconvinced and a little hurt.
Me: anyway, time for their date! I snap my fingers and Japeth and Aric disappear.
Agatha: Where'd you send them this time?
Me: Just to a park - they seriously need some alone-time.
An hour later, Japeth and Aric appear.
Tedros: Fomally, I've still got a country to run!
Me: Ok guys were going to try something new, I want to know what score out of ten you give the lucky couple.
Aric and Japeth are flushed looking and holding hands.
Aric: Why do they have to do this?
Me: Meh, I just felt like it.
Agatha: 5/10, they're both evil, but they look kinda cute together
Dot:10/10! Look at them! They're adorable!!
Japeth groans
Sophie:3/10, they're still murderers guys!
Tedros:2/10, for once, I agree with Sophie
Hort:6/10, I don't really know what to say, I mean, they look happy?
Hester:3/10. Romance is dead.
Anadil shoots her a hurt look.
Anadil:8/10 their romance is very much alive
Hester shoots her a look.
Me: Ok! So Aric and Japeth you got a total score of...... 37/70! That's just over halfway... sorry guys, but I still think you are 10/10!
Before anyone else can say anything, I snap my fingers and they all disappear.

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