Chapter 5 - I'd Kind Of Like To Keep My Eardrums

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Hannah POV:

I was rudely awakened from a horrible night of no sleep by sunlight streaming through my window.

I regret not closing my blinds.

As much as I wanted to just go back to bed, I slugged into my bathroom and took a look at myself in the mirror. My face had splotches, my hair was thrown all over the place, and my eyes were puffy and had red rims around them. No, I hadn't been crying. It just happens when I don't get enough sleep.

I was tossing and turning all night, thrashing when I did finally fall asleep, only to be woken up from falling off my bed.

Typical me.

I shrugged off my clothes and made sure the temperature was slightly colder than normal, knowing it would help wake me up. I stepped in and was instantly refreshed. The cold water hitting my scalp and body definitely made sure I was 100% awake. Once I was finished washing my hair I stepped out of the shower, the cold air slapping my skin and waking me up even more if that was possible. I dried myself and wrapped a fluffy towel around me and walked back into my room.

I strode over to my dresser and picked out some panties and a matching bra, then slipping on a cream colored wool knit sweater with a black peace sign on it, skinny beige chinos, and off-white laced Toms. I ran downstairs, grabbed a Nutri-grain bar and slung my really awesome colorful backpack over my shoulder.


The day had been dragging by really slowly and there had been no sign of Nick. I'm one of those people who don't have many friends, only a few really close ones. I have Harry, obviously. I also have Alice, she's like my sister, we're joined at the hip along with Harry. The three musketeers. But she lives on the other side of Holmes Chapel, so we don't hang out as much as we'd like to. Other than Alice, and Harry I was pretty much invisible.

As I walked into the cafeteria, Alice bounced up beside me, her waist length blonde hair flailing everywhere. "Hannah! My girl!"

See, Alice was the complete opposite of me. I was quiet and reserved, while she was outgoing and bubbly. She was the kind of girl who liked to party (not for the sake of hooking up, just for the sake of having fun), and she was the girl you went to if you wanted to know when the next party is. I, however, have only gone to around 4 parties in my entire 3 years so far of high school.

"Hey, Alice. What's got you excited?" I asked her.

"Well," she said, stretching out the word. "Harry and I have been invited to a party tomorrow night."

"So?" Of course they were.

"So...I would like you to be my plus one." She said, with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"I dunno. A party? I don't really do parties, Alice. You know that." I said. I really wasn't in the mood to party, and on a school night? Tomorrow was Thursday.

"Oh come on Hannah! Loosen up a little! You're always either reading or studying or drawing! Time to have some fun!" She exclaimed, using weird hand gestures while she was speaking. I had to stifle a laugh, she's so weird.

"I think drawing's fun," I muttered, my hair covering my face as I looked down.

"I mean real fun, Hannah. You're always so quiet, I think it's time you actually have fun with other people." She retorted.

"I have enough fun with you and Harry, I don't need to go to a party to have fun." I insisted. This conversation was going nowhere.

You know the expression saved by the bell? Well I was indeed, saved by the bell. The bell rang and as I got up Alice gave me a look that said 'this conversation isn't over'. Dammit.


Somehow, Alice had convinced me to go to this party. I don't know how she did it. Walking back to the parking lot, Alice was happily rambling about the party, how she was going to style her hair, what shoes she was going to wear, and so on.

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed. Damn girl, I think she just blew out my eardrums. Why does she see the need to yell? I'm right here. "We need to go shopping right now for dresses!"

Oh, great. Shopping. I'm an average girl. I like shopping, but what I don't like is shopping for hours on end. Alice, however, did.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go," I did need a dress, after all.


"What about this one?" I asked, holding up a strapless aqua dress.

"Mmm, I don't think that would go very well with your hair." Alice replied, grimacing at the dress in my hand.

"Okay, then. You could've just said you didn't like it," I laughed. She chuckled along with me and we went back to looking.

After around 30 minutes of looking at dresses, each of us had around 6 dresses that we were going to try on. My first one was a beige v-neck dress that came to a little bit above mid-thigh. The v-neck was dropping very low, lower than I had thought. I slipped it on and opened the door to the stall I was in, to see Alice's first pick.

Alice was wearing a peach colored party dress that also came a little above mid-thigh. It had layers that were outlined in black and had a black studded belt around the waist.

"Girl you look great!" I sing-songed. It really did look good with her wavy blonde hair and it complemented her brown eyes well.

"I could say the same to you! You look H-O-T." She giggled. "But, come on there are more dresses to try on."

After 4 more dresses I only had one left. It was my favorite out of the bunch. It was strapless and it was white at the top, and the bottom was pink and floral and it flowed out to around my knees. At the waist, it had a thick brown belt that covered where the two colors met, making it perfect. I walked out of the dressing room and Alice gasped.

"That's the one!" She gushed, giving me a once over. "It looks amazing. YOU look amazing!"

I blushed and mumbled a 'thanks' and gave her dress a look. She was wearing a halter top style dress that came out to a bit lower than mid-thigh. It was dark blue and it had large white polka dots all over it. At the waist, it had a poppy red belt, that finsished it off. She looked gorgeous.

"You shouldn't be talking, look at you! That's it. You're buying that one, you look absolutely beautiful." I smiled. She said thanks and we made our way to the shoes section. I picked out some nude pumps and Alice went for shiny red flats. She's not a heels person.

"We are so ready for this party!" She giggled.



Sorry there's no Harry POV in this. I was introducing Alice and all that. I think she'll be played by Ashley Tisdale. not sure yet though. anyyyyway i guess that's it.

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