New neighbours

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After being woken up by my best friend Emma I decide to take a quick shower and then get ready. I get Emma to pick me up since I'm to hungover to drive.

 I get Emma to pick me up since I'm to hungover to drive

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Emma: GOOD MORNING Y/n: shhhhEmma: how much did you drink?Y/n: not enough Emma: I think you had way to much anyway I got you some Starbucks and some aspirin Y/n: omg thankyou you're the best Emma: I know I know Y/n: so are we going or what?Emma: y...

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Y/n: shhhh
Emma: how much did you drink?
Y/n: not enough
Emma: I think you had way to much anyway I got you some Starbucks and some aspirin
Y/n: omg thankyou you're the best
Emma: I know I know
Y/n: so are we going or what?
Emma: yes yes we're going calm down
Y/n: you were the one blowing up my phone telling me to wake up
Emma: I know
Y/n: okay let's go
Emma: music?
Y/n: sleep
Emma: okay I'll wake you up when we arrive then
Y/n: okay thanks

I drive to the new house and it's gorgeous. Oh by the way me and Y/n are living together in LA. We have been best friends since birth, our moms were actually best friends in high school but then Y/n's mom sadly passed away 3 years ago so we moved out of her family home and got a house together.

Emma: Y/n wake up we're here
Y/n: no just a little longer
Emma: you can sleep when we've put the furniture and everything in
Y/n: I want to sleep now
Emma: wake up or I won't get you anymore Starbucks
Y/n: uhhh okay I'm awake
Emma: good now come on we're gotta help the guys move things in. The hot one is also there
Y/n: Josh? Yeah he's not hot
Emma: not what you were saying last time
Y/n: well he's not so shush *We get out of the car and help the guys who were helping us move our things in*
Emma: Y/n, help Josh take your boxes to your room
Y/n: do I have to?
Josh: it's okay I can handle them
Emma: no Y/n will help
Y/n: okay yeah I'll help you

After the guys leave me and Emma go and start unpacking everything, it's now 1:45pm and we're getting hungry so we decided to go to chipotle. Again. Emma's favourite place.

Emma: it's so nice here
Y/n: Em you've said that about seven times now in the last hour
Emma: but it's true, maybe we can find the love of our life and get married, have kids and a big house
Y/n: oi I thought we agreed to no dating
Emma: I know but still
Y/n: this is a new chapter for us, my mom wouldn't want me to waist my life away
Emma: I know she wouldn't
Y/n: I can hear her voice saying don't you get falling for a boy who's just gonna break your heart
Emma: and she's right
Y/n: I know, I made that mistake before and I'm not doing it again
Emma: let's order?
Y/n: okay yeah *As we start eating these 5 guys come in, i notice a guy will curly hair and damn he's hot*
Emma: oi I see you
Y/n: see me what?
Emma: drooling over that boy with curly hair, actually his friend is hot
Y/n: yeah yeah

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