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Matatagi POV:

I woke up, and I realized I was attached to a chain, I looked at my surroundings, and I saw it was some type of facility, I was trying to remember what had happened,

Matatagi:uuuggghhh, my head hurts, what did happened?.....

I then remembered that weird things were happening to us, and then a gas, we must have passed out, what is this place?, Suddenly the door to the room I was in opened, and they un-attached me to the chain and force me outside, I was then in a place there were a lot of people there, kids, adults, ect, I then saw the others, I ran towards them

So only the inazuma galaxy will be present, but I might add others


Matatagi:tenma!, What is this place?

Tenma then hugged kinako, and Kinako hug him back, I wouldn't admit it, but I am rather jealous.....

Shindou POV:

Tenma seems to know this place, But he doesn't want to talk about it, is this place something bad?


????:This place, is where we put "creatures" to keep them from doing anything bad

Ibuki:hey y/n

Y/n:hey ibuki-kun, I didn't think you'd be here

Ibuki:I wouldn't, but we got tracked

Y/n:I see....well you see you guys are all not humans

The moment they said that I didn't know if they were joking, or offending us,

Y/n:you see, you are each the descendants, of instinct creatures, The creature do not have names, so they were referred by colors of their choice, they only have one abilities each, except for a few.....

Y/n said while looking at tenma, kinako, and ibuki, which confused us

Y/n:so the abilities of each one is.... ________________________________

Green=super hearing

Shindou,Shinsuke, and kirino

Orange=can stretch any part of their body (similar to mrs incredible)

Sakura and Konoha ________________________________

Blue=super speed

Matatagi and Kusaka


Manabe and Minaho

Purple=super strength

Tsurugi And Tetsukado

Black and white=the only ones who have different and multiple abilities

Tenma,Kinako and Ibuki
(Who expected me to do that?)

Y/n:and thats all, I will be watching you, in order to make sure you don't try to escape, and even if i wanted to help, i can't........Now come you will all need to learn how to control your powers

We all nodded and they lead us to our training room, but one thing keeps repeating in my head

Shindou (mind):even if they wanted to help they can't?.......

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