Chapter 7: A Different World.

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A/N: Due to chapter length and just general dissatisfaction on my end, I've decided to revise this chapter to keep the consistency and add some stuff. A lot of it is the same but you'll notice some changes as well as a whole new portion. My apologies for any inconvenience and/or confusion this may have caused.

Scar and Scorpius Team had been walking for around an hour when they stumbled upon another town, having faded red brick architecture and once being full of people. They could hear lasers firing and the sounds of metal crunching. Going on the outskirts, they could see a blue Hedgehog and a yellow fox beating up some of Eggman's bots, the fox being in a mech and the Hedgehog going into a ball and slamming into some of the bots as the townspeople cheered them on. Scar looked over and saw two Mobians. One was a green Tenrec with blue eyes, the other was a dark blue Fennec fox with dark orange eyes. Both had on uniforms similar to Eggman's jacket. Scar smirked as he looked at his team
"Get to cover. Let's see what these two are up to..."
The tenrec looked over at the fox, her smiling a little
"Well Kit, looks like we found him! Eggman's intel was right!"
Kit smiled back as he looked up at her
"So, what do we do now?"
Surge looked at the town, smirking as she put her hand against her chin
"I... Have no idea! He just told us to take him out, didn't say how!"
While they were unaware, Scar and the rest of Scorpius team were behind them, eavesdropping on them.
"Eggman?" Scar thought to himself. He looked over at Strangle
"Kintober's bots look like eggs. And those bots that attacked Cahara?"
"Might be him."
Surge and Kit sighed before they turned around, Scorpius Team still being there. The two teams stared at each other, both unsure of what to do.
"Who the heck are you guys!?" Kit yelled, Surge squinting
"Wait, you look like Arnec, Tangle and Whisper! But you're... Different..."
Scar smirked and turned to his comrades, them looking back
"Got an idea..." he said before looking back at the two, stepping forward.
"Yes, we're failed clones of them."
Surge looked over at Kit
"Clones...? But why aren't they in uniform?" she asked, Kit shrugging
"Maybe Eggman tossed them out because they were failures?"
Surge looked at the trio
"Anyways, since we're on the same side I guess, what do you need? I know you didn't just encounter us by chance!"
Scar smirked a little, thinking to himself
"She isn't questioning it at all? Hmph..."
He shrugged before speaking
"Well, we are in need of help. A green Hedgehog, looks like that blue guy."
Surge looked at Kit
"I haven't seen a green Hedgehog."
Kit shrugged
"Me neither..."
Scar's smirk grew
"That's fine, he's good at being a coward. However we haven't spoke to Eggman in a very long time, what's it he's up to these days?"
Surge looked confused before smiling
"Not much, still creating death machines that backfire due to 'uncontrollable variables.'"
Kit crossed his arms
"Yeah, like that Arnec guy! Anytime Eggman makes something to take him down, he just gets more powerful!"
Scar nodded
"I see..."
Suddenly Surge heard her radio go off and heard Eggman
"Have you found Sonic yet?"
Surge looked down at Kit, both looking worried
"N-no!" Surge responded, anxiety in her voice. They could hear Eggman let out a small sigh, as if somewhat saddened by the news.
"Alright, I got a mission for you in the meantime, maybe you'll have better luck. I got some loose ends that need tying up, I'll send you the coordinates. Be advised, he's one of my most powerful creations so expect a challenge if you have to fight..."
Eggman hung up and Surge looked at the trio
"Hey, you don't suppose you could help a fellow Eggman creation, could ya?"
Scar looked at Strangle before whispering to her
"Just to keep our cover." he said, Strangle nodding before Scar looked back at Surge and Kit
"Alright, we'll help. Lead the way."
Surge pulled out what looked like a smart phone, although it was blocky and Surge's hand could barely fit around it.
"He just sent the coordinates, let's go!" She yelled before they headed out. They walked back through the desert, towards Cahara seemingly. Scar looked over at Strangle again, seemingly confused at why they were headed back. They walked through the town, Surge looking around at the burned out buildings
"Jeez, what happened here?" she asked, Scar smirking. He wanted to bring up Eggman, but if Surge didn't know, he thought it was better for her not to. Scream looked over, Scar shaking his head. The biscotti wolf nodded and the five Mobians walked past Cahara. After a bit more walking, they approached a cave. Surge turned
"Well, this is it... Guess I'll take point?"
Scar pulled out both of his revolvers and walked in, Surge smirking
"Or not...?"
Everyone followed him, Scream covering their six as they all got inside. The cave was tight, but not too large as it led to a single room. A faint reddish purple glow could be seen on the walls and in the middle of the room was a body. While it was mostly decomposed already, Scar could tell that it was a Jackal. A ruby sat on the Jackal's chest. Scream stayed by the door, keeping lookout.
"Looks like nobody followed." the wolf said, Strangle nodding as Scar looked around the cave
"Clear in here too."
Surge looked over at the Jackal's body, feeling sick to her stomach before noticing the ruby. She went to grab it, Scar grabbing her hand and nearly crushing it. Surge winced as she looked up at him.
"Don't touch that." he said, letting go of her hand and Surge getting up.
"It's got a dark energy coming off of it... Like it's cursed." Scar said, Cerberus speaking to him
"You felt it too...?"
Scar looked around
"Looks like he's already dead, we should just get out. Tell Eggman that the target is dead."
"Do I tell him that we killed him?"
"I think he'd like that over you just stumbling over the corpse."
Surge looked down, hesitantly nodding before getting on the radio
"Eggman, Infinite is taken care of."
"Good, that's one less thing I have to handle. Is the Phantom Ruby intact?"
Surge looked over at the ruby, hesitant.
"No, it was destroyed during the fight."
"Guess he pushed himself too hard... Alright, report back to Sunset Heights' base when you get the chance."
"Alright, we're moving!"
"Good. Got a present for you two when you get back!"
Eggman hung up and Surge looked at the others
"I guess we're going back to base. You three coming with us?"
Scar looked over at his team, the two nodding. Scar looked at the pair and nodded before they headed out. Surge looked over at Kit as they walked through Cahara yet again
"What is it you think he's got for us?"
"I have no idea... You ever find it strange how Eggman shows so much care for us when his machines are considered disposable? Feels so... Awkward..."
"Treats us like we're kids or something!" Surge grumbled
"...Okay, maybe we technically are, but still! Feels strange..."
Scar seemed intrigued by the conversation, his ears perking up as he thought to himself
"Kintober never wanted anything to do with children... I think Kintober and Eggman are the same, but from opposite worlds. But I need to see him to confirm my suspicion... This entire bloody planet is like looking into a corrupted mirror..."
Strangle slowed down a bit to be with Scream, the wolf looking over
"What is it?"
"Scar, he seems... Off now."
"With the kids?" Scream asked. Strangle nodded as she looked at Surge and Kit
"Yeah. He's never wanted to work with anyone like this before! Yet with them... I know he said it's to keep our cover, but..."
Scar could hear them and thought to himself about it. Looking at the two, he could feel something... It reminded him of his past, but not the pain. He could hear Hikari's voice
"Kurai, I keep trying but... I wish I could be as good as you... I'm tired of the yelling over every little mistake I make!"
Scar closed his eyes, shaking his head before opening them. For a brief moment, he swore he was back at his old home. Around an hour passed and the group reached Sunset Heights, the city's once beautiful stone architecture now reduced to piles of rubble as few buildings remained.
"What happened here?" Scar asked, Surge turning
"Eggman didn't tell you? Resistance! They tried defending this city and fought to their last breath, barely. Two aircraft showed up and ruined it though, took out most of Eggman's army here. We still won though and in the end, that's what matters! Least, I think so. Just wish Sonic would just give up already!"
"This Sonic guy, what's he like?"
Surge chuckled
"Well, he's got an ego, that's for sure! I haven't met the guy but from the recordings I've seen, dude thinks he's some kind of untouchable god or something! Apparently Arnec beat the crap out of him though."
"And Arnec, who's he?" Scar asked as they walked into a base, Eggman's bots seemingly not noticing the guests. Surge shrugged as they sat down at a table
"Apparently he's half-Mobian half-demon! I've heard stories about him from the intel left behind three years ago. He apparently died but was reborn as some sort of demon! And Eggman recovered some of his blood and was using it for something, I dunno what though... Anyways! He leads this demon army named the Silent Shadow, but that's about all I know."
Scar smirked as he thought to himself
"So Arnec looks like me and leads an army of Demons? Sounds like what Alastor wanted for me..."
Strangle looked over and put her arm on Scar's leg, the wolf looking over
"Scar, you okay?"
"I'm fine..."
While Scar hadn't noticed, his face had twisted and he looked like he was ready to break someone's neck. Alastor's neck in specific, and Strangle looked worried. Surge meanwhile was confused as Kit's attention was taken by a rat that was making it's way through the room. One of Eggman's robots walked by the table, dropping a suitcase on it before walking away. Surge looked confused before grabbing it and opening it. Scar looked at her, the Tenrec's face glowing with happiness as she pulled out a hoodie and jeans
"Normal clothes!?" she said, Kit grabbing a blue hoodie from the case.
"I think it's so we can blend in with a crowd to take Sonic down!"
Surge's smile faded as she began to think to herself
"I hope that's not it..."
Scar smirked
"Let's say hypothetically we're wanting to go to the Demon Realm. How could we get there?"
Surge looked up
"Oh, you need to go there? Umm... Any ship with a warp drive could get you there. Although they're difficult to find for civilians and you show up in one of Eggman's ships and they'll probably shoot you on sight."
Scar seemed uninterested
"Any other way?"
"Well... You could try and sneak aboard a Restoration ship as some of them have been heading there from what I've heard. Restoration have bad security so you should be able to sneak aboard at night. There's a port not too far from here!"
Scar nodded before getting up
"Wait, you're not leaving now, are you!?"
Scar sighed
"Maybe we'll meet again but I've got business to settle."
Strangle and Scream got up as well and the trio began to leave, Surge looking down and sighing. Scar turned his head a little, thinking to himself
"Eggman's burning towns and using child soldiers? Guess this mirror world ain't much better than my own..."
Scorpius team left Sunset Heights, walking near aimlessly. Scream looked over at the wolf as they entered a forest
"So, what's the plan?"
"Find the port that belongs to this 'Restoration' and get a free ride to the Demon Realm."
"How bad do you think the security is?"
"Well... We'll just have to find out for ourselves. It'll be an hour maybe until sundown, let's not waste any time..."
The trio found a port not too far away, just like Surge said. There were some Restoration soldiers guarding it. Scar took notice of their wispons and rolled his eyes
"Wispons? Seriously? Might as well be packing pepper spray..."
Scar looked back
"Alright, let's sneak through. Don't need any unwanted attention..."
Along the port was shipping containers galore, Scream stepping next to him
"We can use the containers for cover."
"Copy. Left side goes right to the ship. We can move around to the ones behind it if necessary. Stay close."
The trio headed down to the docks, the guards seemingly not even glancing in their direction. Scar seemed disgusted by that, letting out a little growl as the three crouched past them. Making their way through the docks, Scar swore he heard footsteps behind him. Looking back, he saw nothing. Scream looked confused as she turned to him
"Something wrong?"
"Swear someone was behind us..."
Scream smirked
"Let's just get to the container. Anyone follows, we'll take them out."
"Yeah... You're right." Scar said as they snuck across the port, sneaking past any patrols with ease. He could hear one of the guards talking with another
"So this shipment is intended for the Silent Shadow? What the heck is in it?"
"You think I'm the one checking the manifest? I just make sure Eggman ain't stomping around here!"
Scar rolled his eyes, the trio sneaking on board the ship and hiding in one of the containers. Strangle let out a sigh of relief as she looked at Scar
"We made it... So, what's the plan after we get to the Demon Realm?"
The Wolf smirked as he leaned back
"Find Arnec, figure out what's going on. If the Silent Shadow are as big as I think, they can help us find Scourge. Get some rest you two."
Less than 10 seconds after saying that, Scream was passed out. Strangle moved by Scar, embracing him. Scar put his arms around her and lifted her onto his lap, the lemur laying against him. She felt his jacket go around her, Scar embracing her. Less than a minute later, he heard her snoring, the wolf smiling as he rubbed his hand through her hair, touching his forehead against her head. Before he knew it, he was asleep as well. As Scar slept, he had a dream... He was in a ship, like the ones he'd seen that belonged to his father as a kid. Beside him was Hikaru, them both being adults. Hikaru put his hand on his shoulder
"You don't have to do this alone. Let's finish what he started, Kurai."
Kurai nodded, the two going into their demon forms. Hikaru's was a bright blue, Kurai being magenta. Kurai drew the Barbatos, Hikaru drawing a sword of his own as well as a shield. Kurai kicked open the door and Alastor stood in front of them. He smiled
"Kurai, you really want me dead, don't you? You even brought him..."
Alastor drew his sword, his eyes glowing a dark blue that eclipsed his pupils. They all assumed their battle stances, Kurai snarling before the two half demons ran at their father. Alastor rushed at them as well but before they collided, Scar snapped awake. He was still in the container, Strangle having drooled on him a bit. Scar couldn't help but smile. For some reason, he was reminded of when he had first met Strangle. It was a long time ago...

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