“I made the ocean,child, I tell the ocean what to do at every point in time".The being spoke.

"Tell the ocean what to do"? I wondered aloud. Wait a minute,how did he get into this house?
I can recall vividly that I locked the door when I entered into this house, so how did he gain entrance into the house?

I turned and asked "Who are you and how did you get into this house?". I asked, sitting up carefully on my bed.

"This house is still standing because of me".
I don't need a key to enter this house ,just as I don't need a key to your heart."For I am your God,the I am that I am.Before you were formed, I knew you, for I am your heavenly father".

"Heavenly father?" I reasoned.It sounds oddly familiar, I feel like I have heard it before but from who?.

I ignored the man in front of me and focused on my memory.I'm sure I've heard that word before.Immediately,my aunt’s face surfaced in my memory.Those words are indeed hers.


“Emmy, are you ready to go to bed?".Aunty Betty called for me from the living room, while I was in my room all set for her bed time story.

“Yes", I replied, then fixed my eyes at the door waiting for her to stroll in with a book , but she didn't.She entered my room without any book.
“aren't you forgetting something’? I requested.
“No child’.she answered.

"You forgot to bring a story book’'. I giggled.
She is so good at forgetting things sometimes.
“No child, tonight we will be talking about you’.
“about me?"I asked.
“ Yes child, before you were born when It was just two months gone, your father got a message about you’.
“A message? Me? From who’? I questioned.

“From your heavenly father,
“A message? Me? From who?"


“From your heavenly father and I quote,"The child in your wife's womb is mine and you shall call her "ESTHER" for she will seek for my people and bring them back to me".

“Hold on, who are we talking about again?". “You child",he replied.
"You said I should be named Esther but I was  named  Emmy by my parents".

“No",he answered. "Your name is Esther for you are a seeker but another instruction from the Lord was followed because the devil and his cohorts knows what you will turn out to become if you are named Esther ".

My P.O.V:

I became so confused about all what my aunty said."We all are unbelievers right?",I asked rhetorically.I know about the last believer that died 10 years ago,because she loved someone called God.I even asked my aunty to allow me watch the play that explained her death but she refused not until two months ago when I clocked 10 that she permitted me and now she is talking about believers."Are there still more of them out there and why should I be the one to save them?". I became so lost in thought and in the web of confusion and Aunty Betty is not doing any justice to the spider creating the web, what am I saying, she is the spider.

“How do I save this believers that are no where to be seen”. I asked.
“Time will tell child, but I want you to remember this, You have a heavenly father looking after you, now sleep child for the night is far spent".

I moved my hand to my curly brown hair to tuck out some strands of hair as I lay comfortably on my bed."Thanks aunty,you moved me from web of confusion to drown me in the pool of chaos",I told her.
“When the time is right all will be cleared child’.


“Child, save those memories for they are not useful to you at this point.
“You said you are who again’?
“I am that I am,your heavenly father, The God of all believers and it is time for you to take your place and take charge, for you are the seeker of all children of God."

“ Ok sir , It looks like you know what you’re talking about so I would like you to explain some things to me, take a sit sir’, I offered the strange looking man or should I say a gorgeous looking man, his presence is calmer than the sea winds. I watched him quietly as he sat down opposite me, while I made myself comfortable on my bed.

“Who am I?,what is my name?, am I an unbeliever?,because my aunty never allowed me to go for any of their fellowship  but everybody else does.What is my purpose in this world?,why do I feel as if everything is not right?".

“It is time for all your questions and confusion to be taken care of.10 years ago,your aunt tried to enlighten you but instead she planted the seed of confusion, now that you are 20,you will understand better".

He further explained,"your name is Esther and you are the seeker. My children are scattered round the world and they are living in fear because they are scared of what will happen to them, many of them pretend to be unbelievers just like your aunt and the few bold ones that came out to proclaim my name are all being killed.I did nothing before, because it was not time to show the world that I created it, but now the time is due for the unbelievers to reap the fruit of their wickedness. For I destroy them, and they will no more rule over the nations. You are a believer and the purpose of your living is to seek my people and I will show you the way to do that. It is time for me to leave child,but I have a gift for you.Today,one of my own will offer you a book, it is filled with my words,rules to guide you and I will come to you when you need me. Wake up child”.

I opened my eyes slowly to the brightness of my room and simultaneously, I felt my head tumbling like one who just finished an acrobatic training.'Ouch, I cried, was all of that a dream? It looks real to me.Who will believe all what I was told and I will have to go through all the information disclosed to me but first I have to take a pain relief. I feel like a heavy load has been placed on me and just immediately,I remembered the extra load that will soon be added to my head this evening. Emmanuel will soon be around and from what I saw in my dream,I'm meant to receive a gift tonight from one of his sons but how will that happen if I'm going to be stuck with Emmanuel tonight"?.I thought aloud.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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