Milan Yeo

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Milan Yeo is the daughter of a infamous gang leader father; Dave Yeo and a black clothing designer mother; Myeong Jun. She was born and raised in Incheon, South Korea till she was 9. Her parents had one more child 2 years after Milan, her younger sister, Eva.

A sweet little girl, Milan Yeo is very smart and outgoing, but she also has a very very bad temper. Milan would get mad easily, and she thinks she gets it from her mom. She is very protective of her little sister and her friends, the girl would give anything without expecting anything back in return.

Her parents bathed her with gifts and toys every chance they got but she wouldn't consider herself spoiled. She recalls herself being very independent since she could comprehend things. Milan would much rather let her pride get in the way and struggle in silence then to simply ask for help. I don't even think she's able to form the words 'I need help' without wanting to rip out her own tongue.

Milan has beautiful, long, wavy, onyx colored hair. Her eyes would remind anyone of the black sky when the moon is at its peak, making the sky look like a midnight blue. If someone stared into her eyes for to long, they would be lost in a bottomless ocean, with only the moon, making the waters take the color of a lapis lazuli.

She doesn't really know where her eye color came from, neither does her parents, so she just left the curiosity alone. Her mother had brown hair whereas her father had black. She has her fathers hair and her mothers features.

Her and Eva's skin is a beautiful caramel brown. Her cheeks had a natural tint of a rose color, it was faint, but still noticeable. Plumped and full, duo toned, pink lips, everywhere the girl went, she was considered Beautiful. Milan was a very alluring girl, her resting face always looks like shes uninterested with anything that goes on(which is true), but besides any of that, she could pass as a model.

Her mother (Milan's mom is a black women, born and raised in Korea) got recognized from her stylish clothes and got a job offer to start her own clothing business in Paris, France; so she took the first plane ride out of Korea and into her new home, while Milan's father stayed back in his home town to continue running his gang. Milan grew up with her dads crew and very much considered them as her family. They watched her grow up, making sure her and Eva were always safe(even when she asked them not too), and with the snap of her finger, they would always be there ready to fuck anyone up.

Before her parents divorce, Milan was best friends with a boy named Dom Kang and another boy named Jay Jo. Milan's father knew Dom's father since their prime, so I guess it would only be natural that she'd know her fathers, friend, son since birth. Milan saw Dom as a brother and he saw her as a sister, the same goes for Eva.

When Milan broke the news of her leaving Korea to her best friend, Dom cried thinking he would never see her again, until she made it very clear that she will be back. But that didn't go all to well.

Jay Jo was always hanging around Milan. They would sometimes hang out with Jay's uncle Mahon Jo as well, The person who got Jay and Milan so interested cycling. The blue eyed girl first met jay when she was hanging out at a local park while she was playing with her favorite ball by herself, she was throwing and tossing it all over the place, until she hit a certain glasses wearing little boy.

With panic, she ran to the injured kid and picked up his glasses for him that fell off his nose when the ball connected with his face and handed it to him. The boy rubbing his head in pain, didn't even notice the beautiful girl that was bending over a few inching away from him.

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