Ch. 1 - What's Your Love Language?

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"You are like an angel dressed in white, so heavenly

You can answer all my prayers tonight, by loving me"

Rosemary - Brian Hyland


Steve Rogers was not up-to-date in the ever-complicated world of love. I mean come on, he never got attention until he had the serum and he'd only ever been in love once. Seventy years later, obviously dating etiquette had changed.

Natasha had tried setting him up with some nice gals, but he usually turned the opportunity down. It wasn't that he didn't want to date, it was more because he didn't feel ready to get back out in the world. It changed and he was never able to change with it.

He got shot in the stomach on this last mission. Nowhere fatal, but it hurt like hell and he probably needed stitches. So as soon as the quinjet landed he went to see the Avenger's new physician. Their old one retired recently and he'd never seen her before now, so he didn't know if she was truly up for this type of stuff.

He dropped off his shield and the top of his Captain America uniform before heading to the medical lab. Yes, he was shirtless, but only because he didn't want to get blood on any more of his shirts. He still had his uniform's pants, boots, and fingerless gloves on. He held a gauze pad to his abdomen, where the bullet wound was.

The automatic doors made a noise as he entered the lab, where a brunette woman in a white coat sat examining vials of a green liquid.

She turned to look at him when she heard the door close. "Captain Rogers! How nice to meet– Oh my God."

Steve was shocked at how beautiful she was. "Doctor Bellucci."

She shook her head and was quickly gathering medical supplies. "Call me Felicity, please," she said tartly. "And lay down on the examination table."

Steve did as he was told and laid down on the paper-covered cushions of the table, huffing as he did. As soon as he was settled, the gauze was all but ripped from him and a pair of hands with latex gloves on got to work on his wound.

He looked at Felicity as she inspected the left of his abdomen. There was no denying that she was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. She had plush pink lips and a few freckles on her slightly-crooked nose. Her brown hair was tied back and out of the way, but a couple tendrils had escaped to frame her face. Her mossy green eyes were focused on her task and her lips were parted in concentration.

"Luckily, the bullet didn't go too deep. I'm going to numb the area so I can extract the bullet and stitch you up, okay?"

If he was honest he momentarily forgot about the pain. Too distracted.

"That's alright with me, yeah."

The cold of the alcohol wipe caused goosebumps to appear on his skin, and then there was a tiny pierce near the bullet wound. While they waited for the numbing agent to do its job, she started cleaning the blood on him with damp cloths and alcohol wipes.

"So what happened, exactly?"

"Ah, went in where no one was there to watch my back and I got ambushed. Managed to get myself out of there, but not without this." He grunted and squirmed a bit in pain. She gently shushed him and pushed his body back on the table. "Everything else was taken care of so we headed back right away."

She hummed. "Well, you'll be okay." The numbing agent was working now, so she sterilized the area and began to extract the bullet carefully. "So Steve, is it alright if I call you Steve?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Do you have any plans the next few days?"

He knew she was just trying to distract him from the uncomfortable feeling, but he couldn't help but think she was flirting with him. He was strangely okay with that.

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