We Never Even Got A Beach Episode

Start from the beginning

"Things. Big man shit," Tommy hums with a grin, "The biggest man shit, y'know-"

"You can stop, if you want," Wilbur looks him in the eye.

Tommy's grin freezes.


"You can stop, Tommy. We don't have to pretend anymore."


Tommy's grin falters before widening, brightening. "Did you fall on your head or some shit? You sound fucking loopy Wilbur. Was it the Manifold Flakes?" He snorts.

Wilbur is silent for a moment.

Tommy stares back, smiling.

Wilbur's eyes soften and he smiles, before feigning an annoyed expression. "You are an absolute gremlin. What were we talking about again?"

"Lunch, you said you would make me lunch. I'm hungry," Tommy complains, "And I would never touch Ranboob's cooking. Not after Christmas," He shudders.

Wilbur just snorts, "Fine, I'll cook, only to stop your fucking complaining."

Tommy grins, happy.

He's happy.

Yes, he's happy.

He's happy, he's happy, he's happy- he is happy - he is- he's- he's happy- he's happy because- he's happy-


Clementine is still missing.

It's fine, however, because she always returns. She's always with Tommy. She wouldn't leave Tommy. She wouldn't leave him, not by himself. She protects him. She's Clementine . Gift from the gods and all that shit. His beloved.

It doesn't matter that Tommy can't find her, or the fact that no one seems to remember her much.

It's fine.

Everything is fine.

Tommy is fine.

Everything is poggers, pogtastic, whatever the hell else he's meant to say. The point is that everything will be okay, and Clementine will return, in her Sprite bottle and those intelligent eyes.

She's coming back.

She's coming back.


Tommy stares at the television, eyes blank. He rests his chin on his knees, curled on the couch.

It's a stupid cartoon he's watching.

Some superhero bullshit.

The hero is winning, well obviously, because that's what heroes do. They never lose. They never die, and that's great.

It's a shit cartoon though, looks like animated shapes and he wonders how he ever enjoyed it-

"You alright there, mate?"

Tommy turns slowly to face the man as he comes to sit beside him.

"Yeah," He hums.

"What's this then?" Phil questions with an easy smile.

"Some shit about heroes."

Phil frowns, offended, "You don't like heroes."

"They don't exist."

Phil laughs this time, slightly bewildered, "Mate, I'm a hero."

Tommy turns to him, eyes dulled, "Are you?"




Tommy grins, teasing, "Yeah you are, I don't mean you, Philza. You're the only man ever," He says solemnly, "I was just joking."

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