
"If you go in the middle.."

Barney started flipping Norma to go in the middle take [Y/N] by surprise.

"Untwist as you go. Nope that's not right"

[Y/N] see that norma is overwhelmed and true to ask if we could take a break or call the game off but no one pays attention as everyone was talking over each other

"Whatcha doing norma?"

Norma tries to let go of their hands but Barney isn't letting go. [Y/N] on the other hand let go

"Why are you so full of fear Norma?"

Norma finally snaps like a twig and falls to her knees covering her ears.

"What Did you just say?!"

[Y/N] over heard what Harmony said to Norma. They started to walk up on him ready to legit fight this man.

"[Y/N] stop! Ughhh Stop!"

Barney was trying to push and pull [Y/N] back to no avail until other rushed in and pushed and pulled [Y/N].


4 people finally got [Y/N] to the sand calming them down.

After a bit Badyah went to check on Norma while Courtney was talking to [Y/N]

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'll be fine"

[Y/N] sighed before speaking up again.

"I just.. Im i guess you can call over protective? I don't know.."

Courtney rubbed their back comforting them

"Its alright i mean you must have been seeing red and i mean red. Im glad I know you can stand up for me if i ever need it"

They shared a smile and walked towards the group.

"So you all enjoy the warm ups?"

"'warm ups'?!"

"Now we begin the real work to defeat your fears. You're gonna need to dig into the deepest, darkest place inside you."

Everyone takes a moment to them selfs

"And now feed it to the skull."


"Mc'Excuse me?"
That was Norma and [Y/N] first reaction.

"That cant be normal"

"I always bring a skull to a party."

"Okay, not normal"

"Please feed your fear into the skull"

Norma hesitated and stutters not wanting to go first.

"Give it here, I'll go first."

Badyah quickly took it away from Harmonys hands.

"So what do I do now?"

Harmony whispers '3...2...1..'

The skull glows and after a few seconds Badyah was running in place silently screaming.

"Think fast puppy dog"

Harmony threw the skull over to Pugsley who caught it  and suddenly ran to Harmony's vans windshield whimpering

Barney comforts Pugsley while [Y/N] walks over to this man

"Give me the skull now, Harmony"

"Oh here you go"

Dead end: Paranormal Park x readerWhere stories live. Discover now