Chapter 14

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Religious Compound, Ohio

Zoey was back laying tied up on the single bed in the small room, she lifted her foot towards the blinds using the heel of her boots to pull the blinds apart in hopes she might be able to get a message to the team. "If you can hear me, I know you're coming. I can try to get the woman and children down to the tunnel, but I need to know when you're coming" Zoey said over and over hoping that they could hear her.

After around the 6th time, Zoey said the same thing a red light came through the window like a laser for an assault rifle. The blonde sighed relief a little that the team heard her, "Ok, ok. I got you. What time?" Zoey asked as the light flashed 3 times. "3 Am?" she asked as the light moved up and down like a nod. "Understood, Reid is on the first floor somewhere with Benjamin, and please remember there are children here," Zoey said. "SOmeones coming I gotta go," she added and in a flash, the red dot was gone and the door to the room opened revealing Ben's mother-in-law.

The woman walked in helping Zoey have a sip of water from the cup she was holding. "Ben's planning a mass suicide, you made that 911 call," Zoey said causing the woman to freeze and squeeze her eyes closed. "This is all my fault, None of this would have happened if I hadn't made that call," she said. "You were trying to protect your daughter," Zoey said, "There were other girls before Jesse. He would marry them in secret and then after a while he'd take another, and we weren't permitted to speak of it. " She said sadly. "And so when she asked me for my consent, I wanted to just take her and run. But I was afraid she wouldn't leave him" the woman said. "You wanted us to take her?" Zoey asked, "Well.. I wanted to save her from Benjamin" she replied. "I can give you another chance, The FBI is coming here at 3 Am. I need you to gather Jessica, the kids and the other women. Get them into the basement just before 3 am." Zoey said as the woman shook her head looking panicked at what she was telling her. "Why are you telling me this?" she asked as she stood by the door thinking over what to do.

"Because I have faith that, you are a strong enough woman to do the right thing for Jessica," Zoey said as the woman just turned and walked away without a word.  The blonde lay back hoping she didn't just give the only advantage the team had right now away to this crazy religious maniac. 

After a solid 10 minutes, the woman came back into the room panicked as she untied Zoey, "You were right, they're setting the place to blow up. I told Jesse that Benjamin wanted her to gather the woman and children." the woman said finally freeing Zoey. "Where is the man I came in with?" Severide asked trying not to panic. "He's in the church with Benjamin, It's 2:45 though we gotta hurry," the woman told Zoey as she took her hand and pulled her out of the room. 

Zoey was keeping a lookout as she and Jessica's mom moved all the women and children into the basement; she was also the first one to round the corner seeing Morgan standing there. "Zoey, Zoey are you alright?" Morgan asked rushing over to check on her. "They've wired explosives," Zoey told them. "Where's Reid?" Morgan asked, "In the church with Benjamin," she replied. "We gotta get you outta here," Rossi said as she started to lead her when Jessica started freaking out. "THIS IS NOT WHAT BENJAMIN WANTED, THIS WAS YOUR WILL," She screamed before running back up the stairs. "NOO" Zoey shouted before taking off after the blonde before her team could stop her. 

Morgan was hot on her heels as Zoey chased the 15-year-old through the compound and into the chapel. 2 shots sounded and Morgan had dropped Ben, his second and third in command to the ground. The detonator fell to the floor too thankfully not setting off the room they were in that's when Jessica walked in. "Reid, you good?" Zoey asked rushing over to him. "Yea, I'm okay," he replied as Jessica ran into the room. "Sweetheart, come with me. We gotta get you outta here." Morgan said as the 15-year-old looked at the man on the floor and then at the detonator. "RUNN" Reid yelled as he dragged Zoey towards the door as Jessica went to pick up the detonator. Morgan, Reid and Severide bolted through the door and outside. 

21st District Police Department, Chicago 

The entire intelligence team was sitting around the TV including Voight as they waiting to hear an update on Zoey. "This is a special report from Brooklyn Ohio, We're reminded of Jim McKay's words from Munich. Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized. Let's hope it's not the latter. As we wait to hear the fate of the woman, children and FBI agents inside the building," The when a huge boom sounded sending chills over Jay's body he and the whole team watched the building explode into flames reaching 50 feet in the air. 

Everyone just stared at each other before Jay pulled his phone out and started calling Morgan, the line went straight to voicemail and he tried again only to get the same result. "It's going to voicemail, damn it," the detective said getting frustrated. Antonio walked over and placed a hand on Jay's shoulder as worry and concern washed over him. 

Zoey was basically another little sister to him, he was hoping that she somehow made it out before the explosion. Jay's phone began to ring and he answered it, "Zoey?" he asked hopefully. "No man, it's Kelly. I still can't get a hold of Zoey and there was an explosion- We're watching the news too. Morgan's not answering his phone either." Jay said through the line worry clear in his voice. 

In Too Deep (Agent Severide Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora