Chapter 5

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Downtown, Chicago 

Zoey drove around a bit before parking her car in a parking lot near the waterfront. The moment the car was in park she slammed her fist on the steering wheel in anger as tears started falling from her eyes. As the memories came flooding back of Grissom pinning her down. Zoey tried to take a breath a sob racked her entire body. The blonde pushed the memories out of her mind but couldn't it was like a flood gate. once it was opened it was nearly impossible to stop. 

15-Year-old Zoey was laying in her room listening to the black-eyed peas, she could hear her father Benny downstairs drinking and talking with a few of his friends. Something the firefighter did daily since he'd been divorced 2 weeks ago because he got caught in bed with Zoey's English teacher. Kelly arranged to stay with April his high school friend whereas Zoey hadn't figured out where to go. 

At some point, Zoey ended up falling asleep in her room but woke up to the side of the bed move causing the blonde to open her eyes noticing Carl's drunken figure hovering over her. "What the Hell, GET OFF," she said freaking out trying to push him off her bed. The man was stronger than her and pinned her down. The blonde started freaking out, "DAD. DA-" Zoey screamed trying to crawl away from the man and the situation unfolding. 

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked as he shoved her face down into the mattress before pressing something to the back of her neck behind her ear. Zoey could hear the sizzling sound in her ear before the intense burning sensation caused her to scream in pain before he pulled her PJ bottoms off and stole her innocence.

Zoey was hyperventilating through her tears by the time she came back from the memories, the blonde let out a few shaky breaths trying to calm down. A sudden knock on the window startled the blonde causing her to look in the direction to find Jay. Zoey unlocked the doors and he climbed in, "You followed me?" she asked him as she wiped her tears. "You didn't seem okay Zoey, tell me everything. I wanna help, I promise." Jay said causing her to let out a shaky breath looking away. "I-I can't. It happened so long ago that it doesn't matter now Jay" she said clearing her voice from sounding shaky. "Zo," Jay said and just like a switch Zoey pushed everything back down. "I'm honestly fine," she replies sending him a fake smile. 

"Look, I know you're not okay Zo; and when you're ready to talk about it. I'll be there to listen," was all he said before stepping out of the car. Zoey sat in the parking lot for a few more minutes before she took off heading home. 

Zoey & Kelly's Townhouse, Chicago 

The drive didn't take more than 15 minutes as Zoey's red Ferarri pulled up the driveway before the blonde backed the car into its spot in the garage before she climbed out of the car and walked into the house immediately walking into the kitchen and taking a nearly empty bottle of tequila off the counter. Zoey flicked her fingers and the lid spun off and flew into the sink. The blonde sighed before tipping the bottle so the clear liquid ran out of the bottle and directly into her mouth. 

After 3 chugs the bottle was empty leaving Zoey with the burning sensation of the tequila she just consumed. The blonde set the bottle back down on the counter as the front door opened and closed but Zoey didn't notice lost in a whirlwind of unpleasant memories. "Hey, You good?" Kelly asked walking in the door and immediately noticing Zoey's blonde figure staring at the countertop. The sound of her brother's voice snapped her back to reality as she quickly wiped a stray tear away before turning and smiling at him. "Yea, I'm great. I'm probably gonna head to bed, I got a long drive back tomorrow. I love you Kell's" Zoey said as she walked straight to her room before Kelly could say or ask anything about the events that unfolded at Molly's tonight. 

Zoey sighed after she shut her door behind her laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. She knew it was gonna be a long night and she doubted she'd sleep much if at all. After a few hours of tossing and turning the blonde sighed climbing out of bed and grabbed her go bag. I might as well see if I can cover most of the drive back to Virginia tonight considering she wasn't sleeping anyways. 

The blonde scanned the room making sure she had everything after she changed out of the dress she wore to the bar earlier. Zoey walked out of her room with her bag draped over her shoulder as she headed for the garage door where her car was. The blonde tossed her bag on the passenger seat as she climbed into the driver's seat starting the car before pulling out of the garage and driveway. Zoey started driving towards the interstate heading back towards Virginia. 

3 hours into the drive Zoey was already driving through Indianapolis when her phone started ringing through the speakers. The blonde pressed the answer button on her steering wheel. "SSA Severide," she answered keeping her focus on the road ahead of her. "Hey Superwoman, It's Morgan." her partner said through the line. "What's up?" she asked him, "Well we got a case- awesome I'm on my way back now," Zoey said cutting him off. "The case is in Chicago," Morgan said slowly knowing the blonde hated working near home; he figured it was because of all the awful cases they worked in Illinois. 

Zoey pulled over on the side of the highway after Morgan said that. "Really?" was all she asked sighing. "Yea, sorry superwoman. How far did you get anyways?" he asked. "Indianapolis, I'm turning around now. Where does Hotch want me to meet the team?" Zoey asked her partner. "21st District," Morgan replied as the blonde agent silently nodded her head. "Alright well I'll see you when I get there," Zoey said before hanging up the call and jumping back on the highway taking the next exit to turn around before she started driving back toward Chicago. 

In Too Deep (Agent Severide Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant