The Monarch

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The elegant dance of the monarch, draws the eyes of others with ease. As much as they stare you'd think she'd grow tired, but she amuses them all the same with her compliments, and cruel, mixed signals.
Best known for her wings. Dressed in brilliant orange, outlined in black, spotted with white.
Those wings carry her from flower to flower, leaf to leaf, day to day, looking so carefree. It's as if she doesn't even know there's a world out there.
Does she know what she's doing each day, or does she just... fly?
Does she know how she causes hearts to ache, simply by existing? Or is she just having her fun?
It's dangerous.
Dangerous for the world, all who love her.
Dangerous for even the monarch herself.
Looking so clueless. Is she really that absent minded?
If she let's you get close enough to touch, you'll notice how fragile her wings are. Softer than silk. While still beautiful, quite easily broken.
Always getting attacked by big birds with strong talons, or swift cats with sharp claws.
No matter her delicacy, every fall she still travels all the way to Mexico, over 3000 miles, with only a few stops for food and rest.
And still she has energy to spare.
Yes she is graceful, she's beautiful, fragile, and careless.
And yes, she is determined, she is capable, agile, and independent.
Able to live perfectly well without a partner, and despite the big birds and swift cats.
Whether she truly is playing with everyone's hearts or if she's just that friendly, she dances on.
Leaving everyone to watch her glide over the world.
The world that is so much less valuable than her.


Thank you for reading!
I wrote this one for a role play, lol. But I do like it.

I also put this one in my art book becuase I hadn't written that much back then. So, if you're interested in art and drawing as well, I have that!

If you'd like to share your thoughts and opinions about it, or ask about anything, please do!

Apologies for any mistakes, and have a nice day/night.

Book of smaller stories or peom type things.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt