Jake: I need money

Me: I press the bridge of my nose You always need money, but what do you need it for now?

Jake: U-um, I owe a guy

Me: And how much you need?

Jake: 10-10 million


Jake: look I'm know your mad but--

Me: I gave out a annoyed chuckle NO, not this again I'm not helping you

Jake: Dude what's gotten into you? You always help me

Me: I crossed my arms Well for your information I'm in a stable relationship something that you have no experience in

Jake: I gave out a scoff over the phone Please, stable? You?

Me: I could feel my blood boil You shut up

Jake: Did she willingly let you touch her, or did you force her?

Me: I grit my teeth You know that's not fair

Jake: he chuckled over the phone Life isn't fair Lils

Me: I stomped my foot Don't call me Lils

Jake: Whatever this was fun, but if your not going to help me get the money, I'll might as well hang up

Me: Don't you dare---

He hung up on me, I stomped my foot in frustration before taking some deep breaths, calming myself down, I got to stay calm for me, and for Alex.

As I turned around to walk back at he door, I saw a bit of Alex's hair swiftly going back to the living room. Oh God did she hear me on call with my stupid brother?? How much did she hear?

But she won't break up with me, no she can't, I shake my head to get rid of all of those thoughts. I spent a few minutes gathering myself and calmed myself down, as I was calm I walked back to the living room to see Alex nervously sitting on the couch waiting for me, sus, rather sus


Alex's P.O.V.

I squirm in my seat waiting for Lily to come back, I look at the corner of my eye and saw her looking at me with this confused look on her face. I scoot over to let her sit down next to me.

She was hesitant, but she did sit next to me, and she wrapped her arm around my waist again, and pulled me in closer to her, I was soon on her lap.

We were face to face, Lily's face was full of nervousness, I lean in for a kiss but her hand stops me, I pull away confused

Me: What's wrong? You always want a kiss from me.

Lily: she looked away from me I just--

Me: Just what?!

Lily: she looked down at her lap I just don't want to hurt you...

Me: I gave out a scoff Really? Is that all what this is about?! Really, do you think I'm a---

Lily pressed her lips onto mine, her hands went from my waist to my thighs, as she pulled away I could feel my face heat up and I slap my hands onto my mouth as Lily gave out a giggle.

Her Obsession yandere female x female yuriWhere stories live. Discover now