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Young Link PoV

After my match with Marth, I noticed some stuff that was happening on the side. I saw Kirby running away to the back of the stadium. Curious, I followed Kirby to the back where I saw 3 robot-like beings luring him in with the cake. I want that cake.

"Hey Young Link why did you leave all of a sudden-" I cut off Marth by covering his mouth

"hmff hmmf?"

I put my lip to my mouth and pointed toward the weird mech robots. He nodded and I released my hand from his mouth. We started to go up slowly and prepared to attack. I pointed to myself and then the bow I pulled out then I pointed at Marth and signed him to sneak behind the mech robots. He nodded and pulled out his fist.

"Fist bump for good luck?" he whispered to me

I just rolled my eyes and bumped his fist and got into position.

Marth PoV

After I fist bumped my buddy Young Link and I snuck around to the backside of the robots. They were putting Kirby into a cage- poor guy. I then spotted Young Link who was giving the signal: Stab the guy and I shoot for the cover. I nodded and unsheathed my sword and aimed the point toward the mech robot. Once Young Link gave me the signal I thrust my sword into his behind. It screamed an agonizing scream.

"Oh shoot sorry I wasn't aiming for that part," I said with eyes wide. The 2 other robots have now noticed him and charged at me with all their might. "Young Link, a little help?!"

Then, seemingly from nowhere, a barrage of arrows started to pierce each robot in their wiry flesh. They all fell with a thud.

"Thanks, man," I said with a warm smile

He gave him a smile and thumbs up. But at that moment they realized Kirby was gone as well as the ship that came with it.

"Wuh oh Young Link, this is bad we should warn the others," I said

He just nodded and beckoned me to come on and ran back into the stadium, me following in suit. We arrived at the stadium where everyone was at.

"GUYS KIRBY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED" I yelled out bursting through the door.


It seems as though I have obstacles in my way. No matter I'll crush them like the bugs they are. I'll have my revenge. 

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