Painful and Heartwarming truth

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There is Naruto, on his knees crying in front of the entrance of the room he just came up to. What you ask caused him to react like this? In this room is a baby room prepared with what looks like little foxes on the white walls but the major thing that stood out for him was a banner overhanging a large crib. The words "Welcome Home Naruto!" were plastered on it for him to see. Naruto in denial starts to think, 'This is probably a coincidence. There's no way it's about me...although I really hope....'

After a few minutes and a heavy heart, he decides to continue to look around. Going to the last door at the back of the hallway, he opens it and sees a medium size office with a larger desk in the center. There in the back is hanging an interesting looking kunai that has 3 prongs on it. What peaked his entrance though are the 3 scrolls sitting on the table with a note in front of them.

Naruto being the curious kid he is, went to the note and decides to read it. ( To whoever is reading this. These scrolls will only open with anyone related to the Uzumaki-Namikaze family.) 'This is it Naruto, one way to find out if who they are talking about is me or not but I I need to know if they are talking about me or not.' 

Naruto hesitantly decides anything is better than what he has been living through and decides to go to the first scroll. Biting his already healed thumb, he runs a smude on the top of the scroll with an held breath. With a small flash, the scroll opens up for him and he starts reading.

(My dear Naruto, my Sochi

If you are reading this then sadly I must have died when the Kyuubi was released from me. The name of your awesome mom is Kushina Namikaze Uzumaki, the Princess of Uzushiogakure and the Red death of Konoha. I'm also the clan head of the now near extinct Uzumaki Clan. On the other hand of dying is that now you are the heir to the crown of Uzushiogakure and also the head of one of the most powerful clans in the elemental nations.)

'I had a clan?' thought Naruto. He is surprised of this revelation but is sad to know of what came up about their clan. 'It does say near extinct though. I wonder if I might find some survivors later on but how do I distinguish them?'

(We were known for our longevity, rather large chakra pool, our skill on our fuinjutsu and kenjutsu, and our special ability, the Chakra Chains, which are strong enough to hold the tailed beast down! We are the strongest....hehe sorry i get excited whenever I talk about our clan a little.)

'A Little?' Naruto chuckled a bit reading this part.

(One thing that makes us known and are proud of is our almost crimson colored hair. Anyway just wanted to let you know that I love you my little boy and I want you to live a happy life and enjoy it the way you want. I want to help with what I can so I decided to leave you my fighting taijustsu style called "Crushing waves" that the royal family of Uzu are known for. It's a fast taijustsu style that focuses on hitting the enemy either with precision with your knuckles or palm strikes that send chakra into the enemy basically destroying them from the inside. I also leave you my katana Muramasa. It's our family's katana that is also a little special. See it has sentience with a summoning scroll sealed on it. It has one of the most powerful if not the most powerful summons known to the lands, but it decides when your ready see them as well as to get the chance to sign the the contract. Last I leave you my booklet that has the history of our lands, a guide to our fuinjustu that we excel on, and my kenjustsu style that i created that gave me the moniker "Red Death".  I got help from the summons to make this style. Now to turn on mother mode on...)

There are wet marks on this part of the scroll. 'Was....she crying...' Naruto started to tear up seeing this and continued.

(I'm so sorry for not being able to be there. Trust me when I say if i could fight off the Shinigami to go be with you I would. Sadly I can't so I'll just give you some advice that I hope you follow. Naruto don't be a picky eater. Eat lots and grow up strong. Make sure you take baths everyday and stay warm...also try not to stay up late, you need sleep. And try and hopefully get a lot of friends. Or even just a don't need many friends just ones you can trust. Study hard. I wasn't very good at it at the beginning but had a secret to get over that but I'll tell you later haha...Remember to never be arrogant and be humble since everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Respect your teachers that teach you well and upperclassmen at the Academy. Oh and this is important, learn of the three prohibitions for a shinobi. Since you are a clan head they will probably put you in the CRA. Be careful with who you lend your money and invest. Don't drink so early in life. And with women....choose those who love you for you and I want 10 grandkids! Hehehe..Careful with Jiraiya-Sensei though, he can be a super pervert but he is a strong ninja and your godfather so I hope he can protect you and raise you as the man we hope to see or ELSE...Anyway Naruto you will have to live through hardships from the decision your dad is making and being alone but be true with who you are.......I have soo much more to say but not enough time to say more . So much I wanna tell you......I wish I could be with you longer Sochi..I love you with all my heart.

Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, your awesome and loving mother.)

Tears were falling off Naruto will holding the scroll tightly. "They really did love me...." Naruto multiple times has asked about his parents with almost everyone telling him that they have abandon him. Even O-jiji who looks important, has only ever said he can't tell me who they are. Now he knows he is the son of the Fourth Hokage and a loving mother named Kushina. After a minute of crying a bit, he goes to the the next scroll that is yellow and repeated what he did before and opens up the scroll.

(Dear Naruto

I hope you you are living well right now.) 'Yea sadly no'. Naruto sighs knowing he is living a life that no kid should go through. 

(If you don't know by now, my name is Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage and your dad. If you're reading this then sadly I have died. I sacrifice myself so I can seal the Kyuubi so it can stop the rampage that it was doing. One thing I wanna make things clear. It didn't attack us willingly but was being controlled by a masked man with a Sharingan. He didn't look like someone from the village, that I am sure of but he is dangerous. After setting the Kyuubi free, I had to make a hard decision that will affect your whole life. I had to seal the Kyuubi in you to save the village in a way hoping you will be treated as a hero. If it goes as Kushina says it will with it being difficult in living as a Jinchuriki as she was the one before you, then I am sorry. I believe you will be able to control the kyuubi's chakra when you get older that's why I'm sealing it inside of you. How do I know? I have to believe in my son after all no? Just know that I love you with all my heart and hope the best for you. In the black scroll, I left you all of my studies when i was coming up to become Hokage. All political, rudimentary, historical, and tactical studies with notes are there ready for you to use. There are also all the ninjutsus, genjutsus, my personal taijustsu style called the "Humming Bird" style and my training regiments' to make you the best ninja you can possibly be. I also left you with guides for seals as I was adept on them as well and my prized jutsus for you to learn,  the rasengan and the Hairashin. After modifying it, it has almost become a bloodline technique with me adding my blood to the ink for the formula. The Kunai in the office can be turned upwards for a secret room that has a gravity chamber, an unpredictable obstacle course, a vault with all of the contracts, money and jutsus collected by us and lastly a training room with multiple levels. Be careful though, even I barely hit level 20 which is the max and I was Hokage at the time. There will also be a library with everything you need to learn from. From academics, geography, survivability, and other miscellaneous ones like cooking, and books on love. Yes love, since we found out that the Uzumaki royal family has a special condition that will not allow them to have kids with someone they don't love. Hopefully you can find those that can love you since you are probably going to be in the CRA, Clan Restoration Act and have multiple wives. Just be happy and know I love you and will be with your mom, keeping an eye on you in heaven.

With all the love a dad can give you, Minato Namikaze.)

Naruto was on his hands and knees crying repeatedly saying "They love me" over and over and over almost like a chant so he will never forget. He now knows why the village people hate him. He houses the strongest most destructive of the tail beast in him. What he doesn't honestly understand is why they can't tell the difference.

Now knowing everything, Naruto goes to the black scroll and unseals it. Out comes a few sets of books, a beautiful katana that he remembers from the picture he first seen downstairs, and a kunai that matches the one on the wall. Out of the corner of what looks like a diary that his mom probably used, he sees a piece of paper sticking out of it. He pulls it out and it reads, (Also Sochi, this is a scroll on how to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Our clans large chakra pools make it almost impossible to use normal clones so this is better alternative. Also I used to train with them a lot in secret since they retain their experiences and send it back to you. From elemental training, muscle memory, to even just getting smarter by reading and keeping what they read in your head. I abused it maliciously growing up without your dad knowing about it just to say I'm ahead of him hehe. Don't tell anyone about my secret its stays between us~ ). "Hahahaha" Naruto started to laugh out loud at the note. "Now I know where I get my mischievousness from." Deciding to learn more tomorrow, he closes the scrolls and leaves the office to go to the master bedroom and goes to lay on the bed. He decides to sleep there just to feel closer to his parents. "Goodnight Mom and Dad...." he says with a tear falling from his cheek and falls asleep.

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