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Their kiss lasted hours, and not in the figurative, 'It was so amazing it felt like forever' sense, literal. hours. It lasted so long Tommy and Tubbo had both fallen asleep and Ranboo had to carry them back to the mansion.

Quackity finally pulled away, turning his attention immediately to grabbing and organizing his things like nothing happened. A small whimper left Wilbur's, burning hot and possibly bleeding, lips then, the only two things on his mind were how good it was and how much he wanted more.

"I'll sleep on the couch, it's your house." Quackity put his things in the corner closest to him, holding back a laugh at Wilbur's attempts, and failures, at responding.

"N-n-nnn-no" He finally managed, trying to stand but his knees just buckled under him, a combination of the pretty uncomfortable position he was and had been in, the soreness from running, and of course, Quackity.

"Yes, go to bed, you're definitely tired." Quackity helped Wilbur up, but he refused to move. "No, duckling, the bed is better, you deserve, well a lot, but definitely an actual bed." Wilbur finally managed to walk over to a drawer and left his glasses on top of it.

"Fine, we'll just share the bed." Quackity knew that was the dumbest thing he had ever said, the bed barely fit Wilbur on its own, let alone both of them, but he knew it was a joke, and Wilbur would make him sleep in the bed alone anyways.

Of course Wil's eyes lit up at the idea, being that close to Quackity, for that long, even if they had just spent hours making out, more couldn't hurt, more would make him hurt less actually. He didn't even answer, since he just assumed Quackity was serious, he picked up Q, bridal-style, and took him to his bed.

"Ok! I give up, I'll sleep here, damn''. Quackity was still processing the kiss, let alone realizing what Wil meant by carrying him to his bed, without getting into too much detail, he loved how Wilbur just sat there and took whatever Quackity did, no matter what. His mind had definitely drifted to more things during the kiss, then to the fact that Wilbur was a horrible villain he hated like hell, and then back to more and more with him.

Wilbur didn't process what Quack had said, he laid Quackity down, found a blanket for him in a pile of clothes and flags from L'manberg, and laid next to him. Quackity knew Wilbur didn't understand his joke, but honestly he didn't want it to be a joke either, so he made absolutely zero effort to protest or correct him. Wilbur covered him with the blanket, the edges were a bit burnt from who knows what but other than that, it did its job. Quackity covered Wil with one of his wings, which was somehow the softest and warmest thing he had ever felt, which made Wilbur blush again, of course, to him it was essentially Quackity being on top of him, and, too put it lightly, he loved it.

"Wil," Quackity whispered, holding in laughter from the question he schemed up, "Did I taste good?". Wilbur, without skipping a fucking beat, stutter completely gone, answered, "I don't remember, let me check again." and kissed Quackity. Q rolled his eyes, sure it was smooth but he was tired as fuck and knew Wilbur was too, whatever, its not like he wasn't enjoying it anyways.

Q lifted his wing and took its place on top of Wilbur, sitting on his chest, hands on Wil's cheeks, somehow not disconnecting even when he rolled over. After a while, Wilbur stopped moving almost at all, breathing getting lighter, not even making a sound when Quackity laid back down beside him. "Motherfucker didn't even answer my question." Quackity whispered to himself, then fell asleep as well. 

A/N- Shorter chapter because my writing skills actually just disappeared after a hella long essay for school. Updates will probably be once or twice a week depending on how much motivation I have. 

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