- Kate Croy | Italics p4

Comenzar desde el principio

Millie looked at me from across the table, that same sweet and innocent facade gracing me as if I had done something wrong, but she didn't know it..

"So what have you been doing in your 'hideaway'?"

My eyebrows shot up slightly before going back down. It wasn't much to talk about rather than longing, but she couldn't know that.

"Pacing around, drawing shapes against the windows and watch the condense remove them-"

Millie interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"-packing your bags..?"

It was true, a sigh left me. Though I had no clue on why I should be staying, perhaps beside the hospitality and the view..

"And unpacking them.."

Her head tilted, my answer having created another question in her head. All this world is contains of questions nowadays.. can't we just go back to when we had answers to at least something?

"What made you decide to stay?"

The promise I gave Kate in trying to make you happy for the last moments of your life until your illness unfortunately claims your oh so innocent life?

"I have nothing to go back to."

She hummed, her facial expression not quite understanding what I meant.

"I know you don't quite agree that your kind of work will take you anywhere, but I believe in you.."

Ah yes, my secret study of letters in which I write poetry to one day live off of, such a romantic income.. equally as sad.


A smile was all that was given, her whole persona being that optimist, innocent, smiley woman..

"I just do."

We took a sip of our newly arrived drinks, strong alcohol filling the small glasses to just under the brim. Instantly after swallowing, she began coughing, my instincts kicking in.

"Are you alright?"

I reached for a napkin on the table, but as I went to reach for her, I saw her smile under her hand.

"I was just trying to impress you, mind you I'll make a fool of myself tonight."

And a little beautiful fool she was, the rest of the glass disappearing gradually as the evening went on. When we took our leave, her arms instantly went to hold mine, a sort of support in her giggly wobbles.

"You're drunk aren't you?"

She leaned into my shoulder, another giggle -which sounded more like a laugh- escaping her.

"Not as drunk as I'm pretending to be.. Besides, we should head home."


A letter from Kate.. laying in my drawer for I had not been able to read it yet.

'I know it must be difficult to write when you're with her all of the time, but please try.. if only to reassure me..

In my head I follow you around the streets and canals, sometimes I see you touch her, and I'm suddenly scared.

Even if you don't write back.. read this letter again.. and again, and every time she looks at you.. and every time she smiles..

Don't forget I love you more..'


We arrived at the house, each going to our rooms, but then Millie stopped me outside mine.

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