Countdown Till Cotillion

Start from the beginning

Some girl walked pass Wyatt and Jay looking at them all lovey dovey but Wyatt rolls his eyes at them because he doesn't care for those girls since he got a girl who's princess beautiful

"Hi Jay, Wyatt" they said 

"Hey, hey what's up?" Jay said and waves at them

Wyatt does nothing and keeps walking

"Why do you guys torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already" Carlos said looking at them

"I don't care for those girls since I have my girlfriend Riley who I'm going with remember Los" Wyatt said

"Yeah. I'm going with Indira. She is my girlfriend remember" Jay says back

Carlos looks at Wyatt

"Did Riley like the promise ring Wy?" Carlos asked

"Yup, she loved" Wyatt said with a smile

"Glad she loved it. You really becoming a lover wolf" Evie said with a smile

"Yeah he is" Jay said and wraps his arm around Wyatt's shoulders

Wyatt chuckles

"Ah! You guys are the experts. Um, Jay and Wyatt... if you guys gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" Carlos asked the two

"Listen, all you got to do.. is look like us" Jay said and removes his arm from Wyatt and places his hand on Carlos's shoulder

Evie and Wyatt chuckled

"Oh, ha-ha" Carlos said

All of a sudden Jane came up to them looking at Mal


Mal looks at her

"Hey Jane" Carlos said

"Hey" Jane said with a smile

"I was wondering...uh... if you liked the carrot cake last night?" Carlos asks Jane

"I had the pumpkin pie" Jan said with a smile

"Oh, cool. Um, uh-" Carlos said

Jay walks up behind grabbing his shoulders

"Smooth" both Jay and Wyatt said at the same time as the three walked away


Jay and Wyatt go to Evie's room to get Chad and they are in their fencing uniforms with their gym bags with them

"Amphitheater in five!" Jay said 

"Why did the coach make him caption instead of me? I'm obviously better. 'King Chad' though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that?" Chad said

"Who?" Evie asked

"Audrey" Chad said

"Chad, let's go" Wyatt said

"I'm coming. Yeah. Oh" Chad said as he grabs his stuff looking sad and walks over to Wyatt and Jay as they leave

Waytt's pov

Carlos, Jay and I are at R.O.A.R practice with the rest of the team

"All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go" Jay said to the team

"Yeah" Carlos said and give me a fist bump

"Assembler, Salute. Lower point. Masks down. En garde" Jay said as he puts his helmet down and as his sword up

"Keep your center!" I said to Carlos as I fences my own opponent

"Whoa" Carlos said

We continue fencing

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