Ways To Be Wicked

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Third pov

Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie and Wyatt are standing around a cauldron as Evie stirs the cauldron

Then Evie pulls out an apple and dropped in cauldron

"Let's give Auradon a taste of evil" Mal said with a smirk as she opens her spell book and cast a spell

"Wicked ways beneath the skin... let all who taste is now join in" she said and evilly laughs

Jay, Carlos and Wyatt added more apples to the cauldron as they all started singing

All: We got all the ways to be


We got all the ways to be

As they grab apples from the cauldron

Carlos: W-I-C-K-E-D

As Wyatt and Carlos brings a bucket of spelled apples to where kids were standing by the lockers

"Come on!" they both said

All: Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Carlos and Wyatt dumps the apples onto the ground as the kids dive to grab one. Mal walks behind them closing all the lockers as it reveals 'Long Live Evil'

Mal: Crashing the party

Guess they lost my invitation

Mal hands Jane an apple as Jane takes a bite

Mal: Friendly reminder

Got my own kind of persuasion

Jane takes the spray paint can from Mal slamming against the locker as she walks off

Carlos: Looks like this place could use

Wyatt: A bit of misbehavior

Carlos and Wyatt slide the bucket across the ground causing the kids to jump over it as they continue singing

Wyatt: Happily ever after

Carlos: With a little flavor

As they walk with Mal

Jay: We're bad to the bone

With even worse intentions

Jay throws an apple at the band and another apple that got stuck in Doug's instrument singing

Jay: We're gonna steal the show

And leave 'em all defenseless

Jay throws some apples at his girlfriend Indira, her brother Azari, Wyatt's girlfriend Riley and the girls friends Aria and Weiss they take a bite of the apples as Indira and Azari eyes starts glowing white with smirks on their face laughing evilly as lighting surrounded them. Weiss smirks as she starts freezing things with her powers. Riley smirked evilly as she used a bit of her power and burned a few things in her way. Aria smirks evilly as she sprays the stairs in different colors

Jay continues singing

Jay: We're gonna steal the show

And leave 'em all defenseless

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