"We'll see about it," Nino said.

"Sixty seconds to sunset" The computer voice activated the lockdowns to open up since it's almost sunset.

"Good. Milady, here I come" Adrien puts his mask on.

"You really like cats more than vampire bats" Nino shook his head.

"Yeah, I wish I was a werecat" Adrien joked.

"If only" Nino chuckled.


Marinette was walking in town, looking around to ensure no stalker got her. The sun was setting which means the feline man will return where he left off.

"Okay, wherever he is, he sure gives anyone creeps," Marinette said.

On the rooftops, Cat Noir followed every move she made. He so wanted her but he has to control his lust. He only met her a day ago and humans fear monsters.

"No, not yet," He said to himself and watched her go inside a store, "Great, now I have to wait" Cat Noir sighs.

He sat there, waiting for a few minutes, yawning in boredom. He knows that women take too long to shop than men, "Any minute now" He said while waiting.

Eventually, Marinette came out holding a small paper bag in her hand. The vampire smirked and followed her just to make sure she gets home safely. Going from roof to roof, he saw she made it back home safely to the bakery. He smirked that she'll be alone in her room and that he will present himself face to face with her. He reaches to her rooftop and knocks on the hatch of the balcony.

"Who could that be?" Marinette opens it.

"Hello, Princess" Cat Noir smirked.

"You! What are you doing?! Get in here! Now!" Marinette pulled him inside.

"Whoa, quite feisty, are you?" Cat Noir said.

"You bit me last night, didn't you?" She pointed at her neck.

"Yes, I did" Cat Noir purred like a cat and nuzzled her hair.

"What the hell are you doing? Ever heard of personal space?!" Marinette pushed him off.

"Just came to check on you," Cat Noir said.

"You better explain or I'll weaken you!" Marinette held a crucifix but it did not affect the mysterious man.

"That's not gonna do much" He casually took it away.

"What? Impossible!" Marinette exclaims.

The feline puts her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat, "If I'm really undead, why do I have a heartbeat?"

"Because you have a living heart," Marinette said.

"Exactly and yes, I am a vampire," Cat Noir said.

"Why did you bite me?" Marinette said.

"Because I never met someone so beautiful like a goddess and I don't want any man to give you hickeys to claim you, my dear" Cat Noir held her hand and kissed it.

"Ummmmm" Marinette was at a loss for words.

"Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled.

"By the look on your mask you're a cat person," Marinette noticed the cat-themed mask.

"Yes, I designed my mask and catsuit from the old masquerade style to the 21st-century style. For 50 years in Paris, I've been protecting your kind from monsters like werewolves, witches, zombies, and sometimes terrorists" Cat Noir explained to his princess.

"That's interesting. Just how old are you?" Marinette asked.

"140 but physically 18," Cat Noir said, "And where are my manners, I'm called Cat Noir"

"Figures. My name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm half French, half Chinese" Marinette explained her two surnames.

"Beautiful like a princess" Cat Noir purred.

"Did I just hear you purr?" Marinette noticed.

"Maybe. That's why I prefer cats than bats because everyone thinks kittens are adorable" Cat Noir smirked.

"I've seen women in catsuits but never have I seen a man in a catsuit," Marinette said.

"Then that makes me the first" Cat Noir said.

"So tell me, mysterious shadow man, are you really a vampire? Can you do something like a vampire?" Marinette asked, controlling her pounding heart.

"Well, I can fly, teleport and drink blood" Cat Noir brought up a few things.

"I was hoping bat transformation" Marinette pouted.

"I can't do that" Cat Noir said.

"Anything else?" Marinette expects more.

"Very well. I'm very fast, I can see in the dark, I can levitate objects" Cat Noir demonstrated levitating her for a few seconds, "And I can detect a heartbeat from the living"

"Incredible" Marinette said.

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