Some information first

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Hiiii, I'm so happy to finally post this story I've been working on for so long! You're going to read it in a second but first I felt like some things needed to be explained. First thing first, I (OF FUCKING COURSE) do not stand JKR'transphobic opinion. This is one of the reasons I decided to publish this fanfiction. Because in the Marauders fandom we need to have representation of what JKR completely left out in her original book; people. Persons. Because yeah, even in the '70s there were queer/people of color. As a queer person myself, I need to see more representation of our identities, and, let's be honest, HP is not going to disappear any time soon. So I decided that I wanted to do my part in making this fandom a more inclusive place. So, to be brief, I DON'T stand with JKR's opinions and if you do, you can leave now. 

So, now that the serious (Sirius?, sorry) shit has been taken care of, now for the fun part. This story isn't really a story. It's more like a collection of moments, it does have some continuity, but some parts will be further apart than others. So, do not read it with the idea in mind that it's a linear, well-structured work. It's not. It's something I've begun during class because I was bored and because I needed something to entertain myself. That's all. It will follow the events from the year 1977 to the year 1981 (yeah, I'm already crying) for sure. It will have some bonus chapters (more focused on Wolfstar, Jily, and some surprises) but it'll mostly be about my character (that I've entirely created) Nova Prott (he/him). 

And, one more thing, it's a loooooong fanfiction. Really. So take your time reading it, and I hope you're gonna find some of the peace, love, and friendship I've felt while writing it. 

-Julian James Cceryl

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