Ding Jianmin and He Kun shook hands and sat down directly. None of the standing committee members sat down. The county party secretary should at least have the respect that the county party secretary deserves. Usually, everyone will sit down after He Kun sits down. In fact, Ding Jianmin also wanted to use this action to express his challenge to He Kun's prestige, so that the other Standing Committee members could see that he was only superficially polite and did not take He Kun as a young man.

This was a slap in the face. He Kun's eyes narrowed, but the smile on his face did not fade. He turned his head and smiled and said to Li Feng, who was still standing on his right, "Comrade Li Feng, I just arrived in Anjing County. I don't know much about the team members, can you give me an introduction?"

This was He Kun's direct and lively counterattack to Ding Jianmin. Generally speaking, the members of the Standing Committee are introduced to the secretary of the county party committee. Of course, the second-ranked county magistrate should introduce them. However, Ding Jianmin blatantly refused to give He Kun face. Of course, He Kun did not need to give him face. The second phase, in a certain sense, It is also possible to provoke the relationship between the second-ranked Ding Jianmin and the third-ranked Li Feng.

Ding Jianmin's face was ugly. He didn't expect He Kun to be so strong, and he wouldn't care about the unity of the team. If it is an ordinary new leader who sees such a situation and knows about Ding Jianmin's influence in Anjing County, he will usually not confront Ding Jianmin as soon as he arrives.

There are only nine people in the Standing Committee. Except for the few people who already know each other, whoever will become the county party secretary will not know and understand before becoming the county party secretary. I am afraid that all of them are familiar with his resume. introduce. Ding Jianmin also guessed that He Kun had a face, and He Kun had to eat this secret loss, but he did not expect that He Kun skipped him directly and found Li Feng who was ranked third.

Although Li Feng has been taken down by him, He Kun's role in provoking dissension has been equal to zero, but He Kun's same slap in the face gave other standing committee members a clear hint that He Kun is strong and doesn't care about Ding Jianmin. If some people are still undecided, He Kun is also a choice for them.

The members of the Standing Committee sighed inwardly that the newly arrived county party secretary did not seem to be an easy-going leader.

He Kun had already spoken, but Li Feng glanced at Ding Jianmin. Although he thought that this glance was quick and hidden, He Kun had noticed it, and he secretly thought that it seemed that Li Feng had completely turned to Ding Jianmin, and this person could not win.

Ding Jianmin didn't show anything to Li Feng's look. Li Feng was called by He Kun, so he couldn't refuse. He smiled and said, "Okay, let me introduce you to Secretary He."

"The county magistrate, Ding Jianmin, knows Secretary He, so I won't introduce him." Seeing that Ding Jianmin was already sitting, Li Feng wanted to skip Ding Jianmin and go straight to the introduction.

But He Kun didn't want to let him go. If Ding Jianmin was left behind like this, it would not only mean that He Kun had the intention to avoid Ding Jianmin's edge and tolerated a little, but also that he would admit defeat first, and if the matter on the Standing Committee spread out, then The municipal leaders would also say that they did not understand the unity of the team and did not respect Comrade Ding Jianmin enough.

Li Feng obviously belonged to Ding Jianmin. The trap was created inadvertently in this introduction. As long as He Kun didn't express it, he stepped on it smoothly.

"Hey, how is this possible." He Kun didn't take a step, but smiled and stretched out his hand to Ding Jianmin, "Although I know that Comrade Jianmin, after the old secretary fell ill, before the new county party committee team has been decided, will help us in Anjing County. It has made great contributions to the stability of the country, but I have not officially met Comrade Jianmin yet. Today, I have to take this opportunity to officially get to know Comrade Jianmin, and also create a good start for us to build a team in the future.

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