Picnics, Flower Crowns and Semi-Stolen Booze

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It was a sunny afternoon, and Iris was sitting on a red and white checkered picnic blanket with an assortment of little pastries and drinks scattered around her.

She knew she was supposed to be at home taking piano lessons, but she was better than her instructor so it was mainly Iris teaching the teacher at this point.

She looked over the rolling fields of her parent's lush gardens and could just about make out a person running up the hill, with hip-length bright red hair and a basket in their hand. Once they got closer, she could see the long maroon silk skirt and wide sleeved white shirt, and the many pieces of (most likely stolen) gold jewellery glittering on their neck and long, pointed ears.

"Ulysses!" Exclaimed Iris, running up to hug the tall teen and nearly knocking him over.

"Iris! Woah, it's been a hot minute!" Iris hugged them harder, making them lose balance and fall onto the springy grass. "Don't kill me before I can try the quiche," exclaimed Ulysses, picking themselves up and giving Iris a small kiss on the cheek.

They both went to sit down on the picnic blanket, Ulysses unpacking his basket while Iris plopped two ice spheres in a couple of bright orange drinks, with odd golden bubbles fizzing all throughout.

Ulysses took out a tall, dark bottle and held it up triumphantly.

"I brought boooooze!"

Iris took another tall dark bottle, this time engraved with winding floral patterns around the neck, from a bag behind her.

"I brought BETTER boooooze!"

"Ooooh, is it the one your parents drink or the stuff they give to you?"

"They good stuff, took it right from the cabinet while they were out,"

Ulysses took some glasses from his basket and raised them to the sky.

"To alcohol! And crime!"

Iris laughed, grabbed one of the glasses and poured some of her wine into it before pouring some for Ulysses.

"Well it wasn't exactly crime,"

Ulysses took a sip from his glass, an eyebrow raised in scepticism.

"Did you take something from someone else without their knowledge, yes or no?"

"I'm not going to answer that without my lawyer present,"

They sat there, in the morning sun, drinking technically not stolen wine and eating quiche, and afterwards they went around picking daisies and making flower crowns.

"Soooo, I was wondering if you'd like to meet my parents over dinner," asked Iris.

Ulysses made a face, causing Iris to laugh.

"Well, I've already met them,"

"Yes, but-"

"They HATE me,"

"NO, they don't. They just- aren't so fond of you. But maybe if we all have dinner together, they could get to know you better,"

Ulysses sighed and placed a daisy crown on iris' fluffy hair.

"OK, but not for them, for you."

Iris clapped her hands.

"Great! I was thinking- this Fey? And you can't say no because I've already arranged it with my parents and it's all locked in sooo,"

Ulysses crossed their arms and tried not to smile.

"I'll still say yes because I love you but honestly, that was very sneaky of you,"

"I had to make sure you'd come," said Iris sweetly.

"I would've even if I was half way across the world!"

"Aw, you,"

Iris wrapped her arms around Ulysses and kissed him.

"I love you so much," whispered Ulysses.

"I love you, too,"

Picnics, Flower Crowns and Semi-Stolen Booze ~ OC OneshotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz