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The wedding was scheduled for 12th of the next month. Since the month was nearing its end, Anisha decided to apply for leave then only, so that there won't be any last minute formalities left. She was going to take a leave for 12 days. A few days with her family and a few days with Maithilli, that's what she had decided, but somewhere deep down her heart, she knew that Maithilli wasn't going to let her stay for more than 2 days in her own house. 

She had already informed her mother and she was very happy hearing the news of Maithilli's wedding. Why not? After all, it would give her a chance to start looking for suitors for her too. But that was just one side of it. She knew that her mother was genuinely happy for Maithilli. She even paid a visit to her house, congratulating the family. All in all, Anisha was happy as everybody was happy.

Her application for the leave was submitted and she went on to her desk with the intention of completing as much of her work before her leave as possible. After she was done for the day, she picked up her belongings, put them all inside her handbag and left for her home.

The next day, she was informed that her leave has been sanctioned and that it would be starting from the 2nd of the next month. Thanking God, she started her day for she knew, what story she had written in the leave application to make her look really needy for the leave. Though there was the mention of a marriage but there was a mention of a lot more things as she knew, nobody would have sanctioned the leave, had she told them the real reason and her friend's demand. 

Switching off her computer, she left the office that night. It was the last day of the month and fortunately for her, the last working day of the week too. Since her company had a policy of only five working days every week, she intended to spend the whole Saturday, shopping for necessities and the Sunday as the day to get some much needed rest. 

The whole last week was hectic for her, completing the work before time and even the next 10 days are going to be hectic. If Maithilli had asked her to arrive early, then she plans to use all of that time efficiently and rest and sleep are somethings, that Maithilli doesn't consider to be the symbols of efficiency. She had been the same energetic and bubbly girl since the very beginning. 

Getting a warm bath, she laid in her warm cozy blanket and as soon as she hit the bed, she was found asleep for she was too exhausted for the day.

All of the next day went by in shopping. She got some casual wear for herself, some sleep wear, some ethnic Indian wear, she had already bought and given for stitching, so that needed to be picked up from the boutique. The remaining outfits for the  various occasions, she planned on shopping for them once she reached her home town only. Footwear was another thing on the list that she spent most her time choosing in. Some eye catching jewelry was bought on the way. Buying some basic make-up products, even though she did not like it much, but she had to because of occasions like these. 

She reached home when it was thirty minutes past seven. Dumping all the shopping bags on the sofa in the living room, she put her sneaker shoes in the foot rack. Washing her hands, she poured herself a glass of water and settled down on the sofa beside the bags. Ordering food from her favorite restaurant, for she was nowhere in a condition to cook for herself, she switched on the television. Switching to some news channel, she had just kept the TV remote beside her when her phone rang.

Sighing, she put the television on mute and received the call of her mother. Being her daughter, she knew what her mother must have called her for.

"I can't come tomorrow Maa! Please, I am way to exhausted to pack my bags right now and moreover there are so many things to be taken care of, I have to make sure everything is done properly and nothing is left behind." She spoke in a single breath as soon as she lifted the call, without giving her mother a chance to do any emotional drama and melt her heart.

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