September 2022: Ethereal Expressions

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Ethereal Expressions by Nablai

Before we start the interview, let's get to know Nablai

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Before we start the interview, let's get to know Nablai

Hey, there, Nab here. I'm 46 and a writer on Wattpad. I write poetry, short stories, teen-fic and new adult.

1. Why is your poetry collection called Ethereal?

Expressions? I was playing along with two names "Chaotic Amalgamations" and "Ethereal Expressions", both suggested poetry with a slice of life. When I chose a title Ethereal Expressions, I had a basic idea for the cover. But, for the life of me, I just couldn't visualize Chaotic Amalgamations. I was more into the concept of blackholes, new-born stars and everything associated with chaos. And yet I was flummoxed for a cover. So, Ethereal Expressions was created.

2. Can you tell us about your writing journey? How did you start and what was the first poem you wrote?

A friend (don't remember her name, it's been years) challenged me on the former community forums of Wattpad, to write for a poetry contest as she believed I could write a poem in the given word count. I've never regretted the decision. My first poem is published in my first poetry collection "Beyond".

Here's the poem:

Even though we've never met
I can feel you in my breath, Goosebumps all over me
As if you just caressed me.
Hitched breath, feelings unknown, words unspoken
Countless barriers broken,
And thirsty eyes meet, thundering hearts beat
Quivering lips speak, as fate
Time stands still. And Lo! Precious love to behold.

3. Many poets write about their own personal experiences, but your poems are about life in general. Would you say you write more for people and not specifically yourself?

My poems are based on whatever I feel at the moment. I write for myself as writing has the magic to empower ourselves and inspire others. It's truly fascinating to see how my words have the innate power to transcend boundaries and bring people together. It isn't easy to be vulnerable, but I share whatever emotions I'm going through and put them into words for people to connect with them, to motivate, to let them know they aren't alone in their journey.

4. What's your favourite poem from Ethereal Expressions and why?

The first one. First poems are always special. They set the tone and pace for the future ones

I'll copy-paste it for you here:

A person leaves everything after a limit
Complaining, whining and pleading Nothing seems to surprise anymore Except the water that at times flows.

Pain is ice to the hardened eyes
Blank to the vicissitudes of life
Numb with the spears of barbs
Kindness seems a farce.

Nothing is real anymore
Honesty is trampled by the hordes
Light is pounded between the chaos Dancing with the sunshine for sure.

Goodness isn't lost, you see
A tiny voice keeps telling me
Reflecting the sunshine in the eyes
It teaches us to just smile.

The bond of love forged in the pits
Taught us never to quit
Achieving what we set out to do
Rolling through with fortitude.

5. Who's your favourite poet on or off Wattpad? What do you like most about them?

On Wattpad it's @TAHinsonE84 and @Owain Glyn. Off Wattpad, it's William Wordsworth, Maya Angelou and Robert Frost. All them are wonderfully fantastic people who write lovely, amazing poems. They inspire me to do better every day and keep working on my writing skills.

6. What's next in your writing journey?

I don't know. I'd like to continue with some 50+ poems in Ethereal Expressions and then see where this journey takes me. I already have Chaotic Amalgamations as the next poetry collection. I want to get published someday and hold my poetry collections in my hands. And become a Wattpad Creator someday and see poetry finally getting the recognition it really deserves on Wattpad.

Thank you so much for having me. It's an honour to be a part of an amazing legacy at WattpadPoetryIN

Stay safe, happy and protected.

Thank you for chatting with with us! You can check out Ethereal Expressions here.

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