Chapter 6: We Are So Dead

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Bonnie sat in her favorite chair, rubbing her paws together while watching her husband pace back and forth with the phone to his ear. "She's still not answering, Bonnie. Why isn't she answering?"
They'd tried calling their fearless daughter a few times in the late afternoon, and then a few times in the evening. The longer they hadn't heard from her, the more worried they became, but it wasn't until the 10 o'clock news came on that they heard about a major incident happening at the Natural History Museum. The ZPD hadn't released any information, claiming it involved an ongoing investigation. What they did reveal was that the officer involved (the name was withheld for the time being) had been injured but was expected to make a full recovery.

tu and Bonnie felt their hearts squeezed with fear, knowing Judy was somehow involved. When calling her had failed to produce answers, they'd called the Zootopia General Hospital and had learned that Judy had, indeed, been seen by a doctor there, but had checked out shortly after 9. They'd been frantically calling and texting her ever since. Midnight was fast approaching and both knew they wouldn't be able to sleep a wink until they knew their daughter was safe.
They'd even called the ZPD trying to get answers, or at least a way to contact her, but that avenue was also a dead end. The ZPD couldn't tell them anymore than they already knew-that she'd been dropped off at the hospital but had already checked out. The ZPD had no current address for her and their only means of contact was through her cell phone-which simply went to voicemail.
Stu didn't bother leaving a message this time, but took the phone from his ear and stared at it a moment before hitting the end-call button. With his arm dropping limply to his side, he murmured listlessly, "Where is she, Bon-bon? She left her wallet on her dresser and she didn't take any clothes with her."
Standing up, Bonnie walked over to her husband and put a hand on his shoulder before leaning against him. "I don't know, Stu."

"It's like Zootopia opened its huge jaws and swallowed her whole! Like she just vanished off the face of the planet!" Stu exclaimed while waving his paws around in frustration.

"I, know dear, I know." She rubbed her paw across his back. "I'm sure she found a friend to stay with."
"What friends? She never talks about any friends. Was she even there long enough to make any friends? She said the other officers were nice to her, but I wonder, Bon. No one has called or stopped by to check on her since she came home."
Bonnie hesitated a moment, then said, "Well, there is one person Judy mentioned that might be willing to help her-provided she could find him, and if he forgave her."
"Who are you talking about? She never mentioned anyone to me."
"Oh, Stu, I told you about him. Judy was sobbing about a friend who'd done so much for her, and then she'd turned around and thoughtlessly betrayed his trust. She hadn't seen him since the press conference, but it was obvious she was miserable over losing him. I'm guessing it was a bigger contribution to her depression than her 'I broke the city' explanation."
Stu was speechless for a moment, then exclaimed, "She was heartbroken? Our Jude the Dude? Our little tryer who's never had time for boys? She went and got herself a city boy!?" He had a hard time imagining his little Jude the Dude with a boy, let alone a city boy. She always turned her nose up to the bucks they'd sent her way.
"Oh, Stu, I don't think they knew each other long enough for that." Returning to her seat, Bonnie added, "But it was obvious from the way she was bawling her eyes out over the boy that her feelings went deeper than just friends."
Stu chuckled to himself and muttered, "Our little tryer finally found herself a buck to settle down with."
Bonnie narrowed her eyes and pierced her lips but kept her thoughts to herself. From the way their daughter had been talking, Bonnie had a sinking feeling that Judy's friend wasn't a buck at all, or even prey for that matter, but was a predator.
Stu suddenly spun around as he finally processed what Bon had said earlier. "You're saying Judy might be staying with this boy? Alone?" Bringing his phone back up, he immediately dialed Judy's number again. "He better not be trying anything with my little girl."
Bonnie put a hand over her eyes but didn't say anything. Their daughter was a grown doe and needed to make her own choices-but that didn't stop her from worrying. Like Stu, she knew that some choices had a longer lasting consequence than others. And if Judy had, indeed, chosen a predator, then that complicated things immensely. She wanted her daughter to be happy, but could she be . . . with a predator? Would he treat her right?

At The Begining: A Zootopia fanfic Nick x JudyWhere stories live. Discover now