Chapter 1: Waking up as a leader

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I felt only pain through my whole body. It felt as if my body was being burned by 20 suns, my mind flooded with thousand's of memory's until the pain suddenly stopped. It's not often to go to bed only to walk up some where that is strange, I know I'd went to bed after playing Starcraft 2 of 8 hours straight, now I woke up with my back laying on grass. I sat up and looked around, seeing that I was in a small clearing surrounded by trees that seemed to go away's. I stood up and was planing to see where I was but before i could take a step a screen popped up in my face showing this.

Overmind current Stat Bio:

Overmind Leo:

Stage 0

Leader bio energy- 200/ 200

Leader Bio-Genesis-50 per day

Requirements for Evolution to Echo

+1 Hatchery

Unlocked Leader abilities:


-Zerg breeder:

Passive: zerg leader can mate with any and all female Organism.


passive:heals anything not fatal, but takes time for more serious injuries.


Passive:no longer needs a breathable atmosphere to survive.

-Tem resistance:

Passive: able to survive between -450 to 118F.

-Bio regen:Passive:

reg .5 bio energy per second.


-Spawn Hatchery :

cost 100 bio energy- build time 12 hours

- Spawn Drones:

active:summon 2 drones per 20 bio energy, 20 min cool down.

- Spawn Zerglings:

Active:summon 10 zerglings per 100 bio energy, 40 min cool down.

-Spawn Overlords:

Summon 2 overlord s,cost 100 bio energy- 6 hour cool down.

Evolution chamber required for more abilities 

What in the world? I had known some how the information on the screen was mine but that crazy, I mean me the Overmind? me? and spawn a Hatchery... wait did I just become a overmind of the zerg like in those  fanfic's I read alot when I'm dealing with stress? I shook me head clearing my mind before seeing a small lake of water and when I looked into the water I saw that I had physical changed.

 wait did I just become a overmind of the zerg like in those  fanfic's I read alot when I'm dealing with stress? I shook me head clearing my mind before seeing a small lake of water and when I looked into the water I saw that I had physical changed

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