Real Or Fake?

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Sonic huffed as he ran through the woods.

Dark wasn't real. Amy, Tails and Knuckles were crazy.

Sonic then spotted movement ahead of him and paused.

He had been out here for three minutes now running at full speed and saw nothing.

Not to mention.. He was far away from Shadow's side of the island.

Sonic came to a full stop as he ran into a huge area of mass destruction.

It was like nothing he'd ever seen before.

Entire trees were downed. The ground was messed up. It was chaos.

Sonic was shocked as he looked around.

Sonic then walked into the clearing and he got the creepiest feeling. Like he was being watched.

Sonic looked around once more but saw nothing.

Even so. He knew he wasn't alone.

Meanwhile Dark Sonic was also in a state of shock because there was no way that. That was Sonic the Hedgehog.

Dark Sonic shivered for he missed Sonic and being Sonic.

Sonic on the other hand finally decided to get a higher vantage point and jumped up on a tree.

Dark Sonic immediately jumped off of his tree and ran.

Sonic seeing the flash of black. Chased him.

Dark Sonic paused abruptly and Sonic flew past him.

He had to get away from Sonic.

He couldn't let the other know.

Dark Sonic then ran south towards his favorite place. Buddy Buddy Temple.

Sonic, having lost sight of him, shouted and cursed.

"DAMMIT! I ALMOST HAD HIM!" Sonic shouted.

"UGH!" Sonic then groaned before running back to the village.

When he got to the village he saw that all of his friends had grouped up.

"Hey! What are you guys doin?" Sonic huffed at them.

"Tails sensed an energy burst from Dark." Amy told Sonic excitedly.

"Yeah because I almost caught him. He is real and he's not Shadow." Sonic said with a frown.

"TOLD YOU!" Amy shouted.

"Oh shut up." Sonic griped.

"Why? Because I told you so?" Amy teased.

Sonic just rolled his eyes.

His friends were never going to let him live this one down.

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