"Something's wrong with your head!" Kaito insulted.

"Oh, don't tell me... you guys aren't confident enough to win the game?" Kokichi teased. "Geez, if you're really that much of a weenie, then you might actually lose, y'know? But in my case, I'm full of confidence! I'll win this game, no matter what!"

"W-Win the game..." Shuichi muttered.

"Are you planning on becoming the next blackened then?" Maki asked.

My eyes widened as I turned my gaze onto Kokichi, who was know standing out of his chair.


"Me...? The next blackened?" Kokichi thought aloud. "Yeah, sure. If that would help me win, then I'd do it." His eyes glanced at me. "Buuut, if it makes my N/N sad, then I won't do it."

My eyes went back to normal as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you serious...?" Shuichi asked quietly.

"Of course, I am! Games are only fun when you play them seriously, right!?" Kokichi replied excitedly. "So, c'mon guys! Let's enjoy this more! It's not often you get to play a killing game, y'know? Soooo, who's gonna be the next victim!? Deeefinitely not N/N! The game can't contiue until there's another victim! So someone, start killing already! If you dooon't, then I'll kill someone instead if it doesn't make N/N sad! Just like I promised, got it!?"

"Why you... That's enough!" Kaito yelled. He lunged forward at Kokichi... and...


Kaito punched Kokichi.




There was a red mark forming on Kokichi's right cheek, probably going to be replaced by a bruise in the next few hours. Kokichi's bangs created a shadow over his eyes as he was left speechless. Kaito standing in the distance out of anger.

I wasn't angry.

I wasn't furious.

I wasn't outraged.

I was fucking pissed.

I was about to attack Kaito, but I was pushed down harshly onto the floor by Maki, her holding my wrists together as she put her left foot on my back. I was forced to watch the scene fold in front of me.

"Kokichi... what the hell's gotten into you?" Kaito asked.

Kokichi didn't respond.

"You were messed up to begin with, but this is a whole 'nother level of weird..." Kaito continued. "If you keep acting like this, I'm gonna knock your senses back into you!!!"

"Uhm... you already hit him." Tsumugi reminded.

"Kaito, please stop. There is never a good reason to commit violence." Kiibo reasoned. "Even minor aggressions... can lead to atrocities such as murder."

With that, Kaito dropped his fist as he loosed his grip. Maki still didn't let go of me. "Tch... fine. I'll stop for now. But, Kokichi... I hope that whole stupid speech was a lie."

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