It's time to change our lives

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Tw for this chapter: mention of abuse, insults/inappropriate speech, violation, mention of sex
The next day had been more casual. Jane and Maura had woken up, eaten some breakfast, taken a shower and even gotten ready to maybe leave the house for a walk. They had no work due until Wednesday anyway, so it was the perfect time for the honey blonde woman to calm herself down from the previous events. Although work had always distracted her most from her problems, she was happy to be off for a few days.
Jane smiled at Maura as she walked back into the room, freshly showered and her makeup as flawless as usually. It felt good to see her better, even if it was just a little.
„I wanna break up with him today. I have to. I need to get aways from him as fast as possible.", she said as she sat down on the kitchen chair, crossing her legs.
„Alright. I will keep you company. But I can't promise I won't hurt him."
„Depends on what happens. If he doesn't say anything, leave it. I don't want more unnecessary things to happen. But if he starts talking shit again, feel free to go."
Jane just smirked, knowing she was at least gonna tell him that he is an asshole. She nodded as she grabbed her jacket, even her badge and gun - just in case. Maura recognised it, but didn't say anything. She knew the detective wouldn't do anything stupid with it and only use it when it was seriously needed. The smaller woman grabbed her coat as well after she slipped into her heels, looking up at her best friend.
„I'm ready to go.", she said as she opened the door, making her way to the police car. She wanted Jane to drive, especially with her car, to maybe scare David a little.
Jane had recognised her intentions and jumped onto the car seat to drive to the guys house. They didn't talk on their way, except when Maura had told Jane where to drive. The majority of the ride, Maura had been staring at the fields and the people they passed. Happy families, happy couples, happy children that played on the playground, their parents watching them carefully. And again she was sad. She wanted a baby one day, too. And if possible, soon. Maybe in a year or two. But since she was single again, it felt hopeless for her. She was already 34, didn't want to give birth too late. Wanted the child to have his or her mother for a long time.
Jane had recognised the staring doctor next to her, but decided to stay silent. She knew Maura had felt too old to have a baby. And she could still adopt a child or get an in vitro fertilisation if she really wanted it. She knew Maura wanted to have a baby with the love of her life, but those options would at least be a chance to have one.
After a while of driving, they had arrived at his house. The place that used to make Maura feel so safe and happy. Now all it brought up inside of her was fear and anger. She sighed but formed her hands into fists as she got out of the car. The heels making loud noises with every fast and angry step she took. The blonde woman rang the door as she saw Jane next to herself, confident of what she was gonna say. It took David a while to open the door, a shadow of a person rushed into a different room behind him.

„Maura? What are you doing here? We didn't say we'd meet today, did we? And who's that gorgeous lady next to you?"
„We didn't. But I think as a girlfriend I could come around any time, couldn't I? whatever. That's Jane. I've told you about my best friend. I even showed you a picture. More than one."
She was shut up by David who started to talk again.
„Hmm, yeah. She looks sexy, not gonna lie. Did you bring her for some fun?", he smirked. „I remember you saying you'd maybe try having some fun with a third person."
Maura blushed. Hard. She remembered saying that, but she didn't want Jane to necessarily know. „No. I need to talk to you. I don't like the way you treat me. You used to be so different, David. But you're an asshole now. All you do is hurt me, mentally and even physically. At first I thought you just had a bad day when we had a fight. But you started calling me all those things daily. You hurt me on purpose. I don't know what I did to you. I loved you so, so much. But all I feel now is disappointment, anger. I don't want you anymore. I am breaking up. Go and fuck those women you told me about. Who wanted you. Because I don't anymore.", Maura said, almost yelling in the end.
David just listened and laughed hysterically. „Oh darling. You really think it's that easy? To say goodbye and that's it? You're mine. My little, naive slut. The spoiled little rich ass princess who thinks she can have anything she wants."
„Shut up. Just shut up. I don't care what you think or don't, but this is over. You don't own me."
David laughed again, his hands now about to touch Maura. But she stepped back. David tilted his head, raising his arm. „Don't you dare to-" - he couldn't even finish his sentence when Jane pushed Maura asides gently, grabbing his arm with the one hand. „Let me go, bitch!"
This was it. Jane had enough. She kept his arm in her tight grip and raised the other hand, smacking it into his face with a loud sound.
„You leave her alone, or I'll get you into jail. Trust me, ill find a way. And if I decide to kill you, no one would ever know it was me. Maura would cover me very well. If you ever take a step anywhere near her, you'll have a big problem." Jane said angrily. And it worked. David nodded and took a step back, like a little child that had just drawn all over the wall. He walked back into his house, locking the door.
Maura couldn't help it, but she chuckled when she saw him so scared, running away from Jane. „Thank you, really. I don't think I would've been able to defend myself, or even hit him. Although he deserved it.
„It's okay, Maur. I promised you i'd be here to help If anything happens, and I was. And yes he deserved it. Man, that guy made me so angry."
„Me too... did you see the person in the back, too? I think he was cheating on me, anyway.. makes sense.. probably found someone else, purposely treated me like that to make me leave." „Honestly, I don't know. But you can be glad he's gone now. That's the most important thing."
Jane said and looked at her watch. Half past four. The sun was shining and it was quite warm in Boston. „Let's go on a walk and maybe have dinner and some drinks at the dirty robber

afterwards, should we?" Jane asked with a smile, wanting to distract the hurt woman as good as she could. And Maura agreed with a nod. She was happy that her best friend cared so much, something she had never experienced before meeting Jane.
After driving the car to the dirty robber, Jane had wrapped her arm around Maura's gently and they had walked through the city and the parks, arm in arm. And it felt good. For both of them. For Maura to distract herself and find a way to be fully happy again, for Jane as a chance to finally be outside and breathe in some fresh air again. She didn't go outside much, except when she had to go to work. She never really found a reason to go, especially since Joe Friday wasn't with her anymore. She missed her. But the dog was better off with someone who had more time than the busy cop.
After taking some more turns and discovering so many new spots in Boston, both of them felt quite hungry and they made their way back to the dirty robber. Jane casually ordered a big pizza and a beer, whilst Maura decided that she wanted some white wine pasta and a white wine to go along with it.
„Do you feel better, now? Now that you're free from this, ready to move on?", Jane asked gently, and the honey blonde woman nodded. „Still upset of course, still a little shocked, but it'll be okay. Its gonna take a while until I can trust someone again and feel comfortable about being touched, but it'll be just fine."
„If you don't feel comfortable when I hug or touch you, let me know. please. I'm trying to make you feel better, but if it makes it worse, tell me."
„No, don't worry. When it's you, it's fine. You wouldn't harm me. I know that. I know I was sure he wouldn't either, but I've known you for ten years. And you fight for peoples wellbeing. Additionally, I just know you wouldn't hurt me. ever."
„That's right, I wouldn't. Pinky promise."
The women had continued talking and sipping their drinks. After finishing their meals, they had stayed a few hours, having more beer and wine, but in a careful amount. It had been a pretty good evening for both of them.
As Jane recognised that Maura was feeling a little sad again, she decided It was time to go home. She unlocked the door, checking the apartment anyway, before locking the gun in the little box and pulling her shoes and jacket off.
„Would you like me to run you a bath?" , she asked the doctor who nodded with a smile. Jane immediately got some candles and filled the bath, leaving the room so Maura could have her privacy. The honey blonde woman stripped off her clothes in front of Jane recklessly and the detective couldn't help it but stare a little. She had always been impressed by Maura's perfect, flawless body. Her well defined breasts, the curves down to her peachy butt. Maura had felt Janes looks but just smiled and grabbed her towel.
As the woman had left, Jane turned on her TV and started watching some shows while waiting for Maura to return. She didn't want to fall asleep without knowing she was okay and back in bed safely.

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