Chapter 9: The Mountain Pass

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Several hours later, you arrived at the mountain pass, a few miles out from the main gate of Rivendell. You passed by the guards unseen and left the palace grounds not long after leaving the council of Wizards. You guessed that Thorin and the others were already a ways into the pass, but you had made up quite a bit of time by not carrying any supplies. Thorin had packed your things with his own so that you could travel lightly to catch up.

To your surprise, waiting only a few paces into the pass were Fili and Kili. They smiled as they saw you and wrapped you in a group hug. "Uncle told us to wait for you here, and if you were not back by sunrise, to go back for you," Kili explained.

"How long have you been waiting?" you asked.

"Just a few hours," Fili responded, "the others started moving in around midday."

You nodded, "then let's get moving, we should try to rendezvous with them before nightfall."

Fili and Kili both nodded, falling into step behind you as you led the way through the rocky scene. The mountain pass was not easy, it was rocky terrain, rough and sharp with twists and turns you could hardly see. As it got darker, it got even more difficult to navigate, and to make matters worse, it started to rain heavily.

You pulled a hood up over your braided hair, and continued pushing on knowing the others could not be that far ahead. Suddenly, over the fall of the rain and thunder, you heard a shout. You quickly climbed over the next rocky hill and looked over.

Relief washed over you as you locked eyes on the rest of the company, huddled into the rocks, slowly shuffling across the thin path, a steep drop on one side. But the relief was washed away as you saw debris falling down from the top of the mountain, knocking too close to the company.

"Come on!" you shouted to Fili and Kili, motioning for them to follow you over the hill and down towards the others.

Thorin saw you coming as you went up and over rocks that had fallen onto the path, "(Y/N)!" he shouted, waving a hand at you.

You smiled as you waved back, although it was much too dark and rainy for him to see it. The others turned to see you too, just as a large rock fell down from above. Your smile faded as you saw it coming, you knew it could crush them. You went to run towards them, to do something, anything, but a pair of arms pulled you back.

"No!" it was Fili, he pulled you back just as a few smaller rocks landed where you were standing.

He let his arms fall to the side as you looked across together, the rock headed for the company had smashed into the cliff, shaking the mountain, but falling away down the cliff face. You nodded to Fili in thanks before continuing on towards the company.

Thorin had led them several hundred feet away from the ledge coming across as low hanging cave just as you joined them. Thorin wrapped you in a tight embrace for only a moment, "it is good to see you well."

You smiled at him, "just wait until you hear what I told the white wizard."

Thorin laughed as he draped an arm across your shoulder leading you into the cave behind the others.

You recounted the story of the meeting in Rivendell to Thorin, Fili, Kili and Balin as the others slept. They all laughed merrily, "you truly said that to him?" Kili asked with a smile, "word for word?"

You nodded, "every word, and he was speechless."

Thorin smiled, it was carefree, happy, "so he will not try to stop us?"

You shrugged, "I doubt it, when I was leaving I heard them say they had other matters to discuss, it seemed more important than following me."

"What other business?" Balin asked.

"I didn't stay too long," you explained, "but Saruman mentioned a Necromancer."

"Magic wielder?" Fili asked.

You shook your head, "I don't know, but we have stepped into the wilds now, we should keep our minds focused on our quest."

They all nodded in agreement. "Get some rest," Thorin said, "I'll take first watch."

You smiled at him gratefully as you set your pack behind you, using it to sleep upright against the cave wall. Fili leaned on the wall to your right, with Kili next to him. You closed your eyes, but had a difficult time falling asleep.

"(Y/N), are you awake," a voice came beside you, it was Fili. You opened your eyes to see that his were locked on you.

You nodded as he inched closer so he could whisper, "can't sleep?"

You nodded, "apparently neither can you."

"I just have this feeling that something terrible is ahead of us, something unavoidable," he confided.

You shook your head, "I try not to think about it, I just want to reach the mountain."

Fili smiled, "well, we have a long way to go for that."

You chuckled quietly. Before you closed your eyes again, you saw a pale blue coming from the corner of the cave, "Fili, do you see that?"

Fili sat up, but there was no time to react, the sandy floor gave way and opened up, sending you and the others falling into a dark abyss. 

The Lady of Erebor (Thorin / Fili / Kili x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें