Chapter 2

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A/N hey so this chapter is quite short but I'm hoping it explains things from the previous story a bit better! 

Next chapter will be longer :-)

And if you could all please do me a massive favour, me and my friends have started a youtube channel and we've posted our first video today, I'll post the link in this but I don't think it will show up so youtube cllvlogs and it should be there, if you could please check it out and comment it would mean a lot!

And also, not in the next chapter but the chapter after I'm thinking of adding a new character, but I want you to choose what he/she will be like. So comment below idea's of names, looks, personalities etc and I'll choose the best one and when it is my turn to next write I'll include he/she!

Thank you!

Lia x 


“Do you take every new girl down to the field or something?” I asked, standing still and crossing my arms, just as it started to rain.

“No,” he replied, he didn’t stop, he just carried on walking, and it was almost like he didn’t feel the rain.

“Take me back to my dorm,”



“Think of this a like a little navigation test, you can find your own way back and I can follow you and laugh, but here, I’m not as heartless as you think, you can have my jacket to keep you dry,”

Throwing his jacket at me, I wanted to throw it back, but I couldn’t because it was going to keep me a little bit drier.

I started to walk back to the main building, if I can find it.

“Wait,” shouted Ethan after me, I continued walking. This is my first hour and already I am lost, why am I going to turn around and talk to the jerk that caused it? This is certainly going to be a long year.

Turning into the main building I was just relieved to be out of the rain. I found some corridors with old pictures of previous classes.

Stopping at one particular I saw a young woman smiling back at me, her hair was tied in a messy bun and stood next to her was a boy about the same age. They had been given the star student awards, not for being the best behaved or anything like that, but for showing courage. I immediately recognised them both, Victoria Williams and Edward Lawson, there they were. A shiver ran down my back knowing that I’m in the same school where my parents first met, it was a good shiver though, almost comforting.

It’s strange really, knowing that a lot of things happened when my parents were here and my Grandma was in charge, although I haven’t been told anything about them, all I know is that my mum and dad met here. Looking at pictures of them when they were young though really shocked me, my mum’s long hair flowing down her back which is now in a bob cut, and my dad stood there who hadn’t really changed much. Just aged slightly around the face, stood next to them was Auntie Libbie, well she wasn’t my Auntie at this point, but she is now, she’s married to Uncle Shawn. They have a kid who is a few years older than me but he isn’t my Uncle’s, the father is this person called George who used to be one of my dad’s best friends. Auntie Libbie didn’t actually know my Uncle when she was in school; apparently they all thought he’d died. I don’t know the full story though, only what I’ve managed to eavesdrop in on.

This mad person called Gemma, I think that was her name, was going out with Uncle Shawn when they were teenagers but she broke up with him and he committed suicide. Well that’s what everyone thought, he wrote a suicide note and everything but it turns out Gemma had kidnapped him because she didn’t want the whole world knowing she was a drug dealer and my Uncle knew. So he ended up being locked in Gemma’s brothers flat for a few years, until my mum discovered that he was still alive so she went searching for him and Libbie came with her and then I don’t know the rest. I think Gemma pretended to be someone like six years younger than herself though and ended up in the same dorm as my mum was. If you ask me it sounds pretty crazy. I don’t really mention it anymore because I don’t want to bring up bad memories.

It is really strange being at this school because I’m fully aware that when my parents were here everything kicked off, mostly to do with that Gemma but I don’t it all seems bizarre because even though I would never step a foot out of place maybe I could meet my true love here. I do know one thing for sure though, my mum was the rebel of the school, and you wouldn’t think it to look at her now because she’s so professional but once she was a wild child. I’m not like mum at all, I’m not like Dad either. I’m just me, the sensible one out of the siblings.

Anyway, my Uncle Shawn took over running the school from my Grandma because she wanted a break and now she bakes and knits and lets us stay over whenever we want. Mum and Grandma didn’t get on at all when mum was a kid but I suppose it’s just a good thing that they do now.

“Hey,” a voice what I didn’t recognise said to me, I turned  around to see a boy who looked the same age as me with short brown hair with the front bit spiked up and he had a strong London accent.

“Hey,” I replied, it was awkward just standing there so I added a smile at the end,

“Do you know your way back?” he asked, for a minute I didn’t know what he was on about so I just looked blank and then it clicked that he was on about my dorm. “I think we are in the same building so I’ll walk you back, I’m Joseph by the way,”

“I’m Esme,” I replied.

We talked and walked and talked some more and walked some more until we arrived back at our dorm building. We didn’t really talk about anything specific but it was his first day too so I didn’t feel like a complete loner. Everyone else obviously has a better sense of direction than me because I had no clue where I was.

“Wait…” said Ethan as he saw us coming up the corridor.

When a Bad Boy meets a Good Girl... The Next Generation (Temporarily on hold and slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now