gyeongsu X cheongsan

455 3 10

This oneshot was requested :)))
Warning: na-yeon

Cheongsans pov:

I cant beilve this right now but there's zombie things outside the brocasting room (or whatever it's called-) And my so called "friend" has just been accused of being bitten while saving us! Well I'm not being funny his nose was bleeding and he had a scratch but suhyeok hit him with the mop and the scratch is from the computer! I'm still concerned how joonyeong has so many friends on Facebook though-.
Gyeongsu is right now in the recording room for no reason. He only had to stay for 5 minutes but he's stubborn he's staying for an hour! Stupid lee na-yeon! I know she hates him but I swear I could kill her rn!
I went to check on Gyeongsu but as I opened the door I heard something I didn't want to.
"She wiped the zombie blood or her handichife and was planning to put it on Gyeongsu's scratch!" Nam-ra spoke
"I did not!" Na-yeon spoke
"SHE WHAT?!" I screamed as I walked towards her.

Gyeongsu's pov:
I came to the door after I heard my friend yell.
I stood at the door frozen. She tried to kill me..Lee na-yeon tried to kill me.. I knew she hated me but not that much! I came out the room and stood near the window I was terrified now.
I couldn't hear a thing and I felt tears building up.

Cheongsans pov:
"I DID SO WHAT?! HES A STUPID WELFIE!" Na-yeon screamed at me
"your a murderer that's what" I replied back
"Why do you even care for him so much? He's over there crying he's such a cry baby" na-yeon kept going on.
I had people holding me back at the momment but in that momment I shocked everybody.
"He's my dam boyfriend why the hell do u think we are so close?!" I yelled
While looking around the room I saw loads of shocked faces apart from joonyeong and wu-jin. I wouldn't be surprised if they knew already ngl.
I went over to gyeongsu and the sight broke me. He was shaking tears streaming down his face trying to cover himself in any way possible.
"Gyeongsu your going to need to look at me" I said to him in a calming voice and it worked luckily.
"Get out" ji-min told na-yeon
And she did wu-jin was gonna go but miss park stopped him qnd said she would go instead.
"No. Nobody should go after her. She's a murderer." Joonyeong finnaly spoke up. I realised him and wu-jin was quite close and dae-su teased them alot- but right now I'm focused on the boy who's crying in my arms. He's always been scarred of death so seeing him like this knowing he couldve died hurt. He stopped shaking a few minutes ago bur still had tears running down his face.
"Cheongsan..thank you.." He told me very quietly
"Is it a bad time to say I need the bathroom?" Suhyeok asked
I just gave him the look and we began planning our next plan

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