A strange sensation.

Start from the beginning

"Am I okay?" You ask.

"You're fine Its just that-" she smiles.

"whats wrong?" You ask more eagerly.

"It seems you're with child"

You sit up, as you take a deep breath processing the news, the whole room was spinning around you. You weren't even sure if that was possible with everything your body had been through.. dying twice and undergoing so many procedures.. all the damage your body had taken through the years.. you never dared to talk to Loki about children fearing you could never beat them..

"I'm.. im pregnant?" You stammer I'm shock.

"Yes.. is this not good news?" She asks softly.

"Yes. Yes of course it's just" you stammer. "I don't know if Loki even wants kids.. you know we never talked about that, because I never thought you know?... And now I'm pregnant?.. what if he doesn't want to have kids, but he feels like he has to and-"

"You are worrying far beyond what you need to" she stops you. "I don't know the king like you do.. But I see the way he looks as you. And I have never seen love as strong as that.. why wouldn't he be happy?" She questions.

"I just think I need a moment to think" you breathe out, trying to control your breaths.

"Of course.. if you need anything don't hesitate to let us know... ladies" The woman calls out as they leave your room.

You walk over to the mirror, looking down at your stomach. Your hand travels up under your dress, resting against your burning hot skin. Applying gentle pressure. You turn to the side, lifting up your dress, both your hands running over your stomach. It was almost like you feel it moving inside you, although you knew it was just your mind playing tricks with you.. Yet you could swear that little thing was telling you everything was going to be alright. You had just learned about it's existence and you already loved it so much.

You hear a footstep behind you, quickly turning your head as Loki stands in the doorway with some hot tea, and some fresh berries. Looking down at your stomach in complete silence. You quickly pull down your dress, looking down at the ground.


"What's going on?" Loki asks nervously.

"I'm-" you say softly trying to form the words, but your can't find the words at all. So you simply let your hand rest over your stomach as you smile softly, looking up at him with gentle eyes.

"You're pregnant?" He asks very quietly, almost like a breath.

"I ehm-"

"You're pregnant?" He asks again a bit louder.

"I think so" you whimper, looking up at his shocked face.

Loki puts down the tea and berries on the table, walking slowly towards you. "May I?" He asks softly. You nod your head yes, as he lifts up your dress very carefully placing his hand against your stomach. As he inhales sharply, looking down at you. "You're pregnant" he smiles broadly.

A tear rolls down you cheek, in a mixture of disbelief, relief and affection. "I'm pregnant" you finally say.

Lokis eyes begin to water, as he kneels down to the ground, placing a soft kiss against your stomach. Your hand curl up into his hair, as he just places a trail of kisses alongside your lower abdomen.

Loki picks you up, holding you carefully around the waist swinging your sound in pure excitement. You whine as he puts you down kissing you softly.

"I was so worried you wouldn't be happy" you admit.

"Worried?" He questions. "This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.." he smiles, as a tear falls down his cheek, as the realization hits him. "I'm gonna be a father?"

"Yeah" you sob happily "you're gonna be a dad" you smile weakly.

He rests his forehead against yours. "I didn't think it was possible for you to make me any happier than you already have" he whispers.

What should've have been a day where you took care of Loki, gave him some love and affection turned into the complete opposite. He ran you a hot bath to relieve some of the nausea and pain. Constant staying by your side, tending to your every need. You go for a long walk through the forest to get some fresh air, Loki holds his arm around you the whole trip, keeping you safe. And although it was a little exaggerated it was very cute. You never thought you could harder for him, yet everyday he keeps surprising you. It was like falling in love with him for the first time over and over again.

"I already love her so much and she's not even here yet.." Loki says as he lays by your side, his hand resting on your stomach.

"She?" You chuckle. "How do you know it's gonna be a girl?" You ask.

"It's just a feeling.." he smiles. "And if she's gonna be anything like you she'll be perfect"

"A girl" you whisper to yourself, running your hand over your stomach. "I think you're right" you smile over at him.

"Of course I am"

"I hate you" you laugh.

"I love you too"

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