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so other than being
an absolute heartthrob
what do you do these


well if we're really going
to date we should
probably get to know
each other again

oh right

are you okay


yeah i'm fine

are you sure

you know if you really
don't actually want to
do this we don't have to
i totally get that

i mean it'd be fun if we
did but i can understand
if you're uncomfortable
with the fact that i agreed

no i'm not

i just still don't really know
how to talk to girls

oh really

you used to talk to me
everyday tho

like we were best buddies

even closer than you and

how is mingi

i know you guys ended
up in the same group

he's good he's got a gf
and they're happy as far
as i know


uh it's yuna actually

no fucking way my baby

they actually got together??

well it isn't official yet but
yeah they're pretty much

awwww how cute

i love that

how is she doing

atm she's not that great

oh no what happened

you already know she always
liked being alone and she
moved out as soon as she
could but i think all the
loneliness is starting to catch
up to her

she's been over here a lot lately
and recently she's been really
anxious and upset and she says
she feels really lonely all the time

we bought her a puppy to keep
her company but mingi says
she still wakes him up at 2 in the
morning because she feels so

aw my poor baby

let her know that i'm always
here if she needs me

yeah i will

i'm actually really worried
about her

aww buddy

i'm always here for you too
you can talk to me whenever
you need to

thank you heejin

that means a lot to me

anytime love

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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